Sam arias

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You are close friends with the super friends and you're dating Sam Arias. everyone knows that Kara is supergirl but what they don't know is that you are spider girl, apart from jonn as he can read minds and gave you an enhanced suit. You are at game night and the convocation of you come up...well not you spider girl.
K- so does anyone know what's with the new hero
A- what about her?
K- it's just she's wearing a mask and secretive I mean how did she get something that high tech
S-  maybe they are that smart
U- for the mask hide their identity better I mean Kara I'm surprised the city hasn't noticed by now I knew before you even told me and for the suit, maybe they are that smart or they broke in the DEO or a high tech facility and got it who knows there are endless possibilities and if they worked for jonn and the DEO wouldn't Alex and Kara seen her there before
L- she has a point there
U- of course I do I think it's just better to leave it alone there identity is a secret for good reason and they help you a lot so what's the problem
S- I have to agree with y/n especially since she made webs that could hold down reign so you could get me back to me
U- and couldn't be happier about it, now how bout we talk about something else
A- yeh let's do that
You all continue playing games then you get a call from jonn
U- agent y/l/n
J- we need you now
U- ok on my way
You hang up
K- why did jonn calling you that he needs you
U- sorry that's classified (you're a DEO agent)
S- what's up is everything ok?
U- to worry about, you call all stay here it's cool I shouldn't be too long
You kiss Sam goodbye and rush out then you get to the DEO
J- great you can make an appearance y/n
U- always a pleasure
J- suit up I'm helping
You suit up and you head to national city park where you see a white Martian
U- you ok with this
J- as long as he's in a cage I will be
U- good
You and jonn start fighting the alien. Back with Sam and the others
News- spider girl and the green Martian are in national city park where they are facing a white Martian
K- what why didn't jonn call us
A- it's your night off same with me
L- Alex is right just relax it's all under control
S- where's y/n I see other agents but I can't see y/n
K- I'm sure she's fine Sam she never gets hurt she always wants to make sure she comes home to you and ruby
R- hey guys I heard my name are you ok
S- just worried about y/n ruby... come and join us she should be back soon
It's now been an hour it's late and they should of gone home and Sam and ruby should be asleep but they were awake worried about you
S- where is she I'm really worried
A- so are we sam
S- I can't loose her ive lost everyone I've never loved apart from her and ruby and there have been close calls
K- I can hear a heart beat it's really fast
Just as she finishes that sentence you burst through the windows in your suit and your mask off and you don't realise they are there
U- ok y/n that wasn't too loud they should be sleeping. That fucking Martian I wish I killed that thing...
You look down at your stomach you see a medium cut, deep but not too deep
U- great more stitches, I swear it's getting harder to hide these, does jonn not realise that I'm not indestructible
You start ranting quietly to yourself then You look up and see Lena,Alex,Kara,Sam and ruby staring at you in shock
U- umm you're all supposed to be home and asleep
A- we were worried that something bad had happened
S- and clearly it did!
U- ok can we continue you this while I'll stitch myself up so I don't bleed out
L- ok let me help
Lena helps you
U- thanks, sorry for all the worrying, but I have to go I'll be back
S- no you're not leaving you're injured and it's late
Ruby runs over to you and hugs you tight
R- I was so scared for you mama, so was mom we thought we lost you
You were shocked so was sam and the others as it was the first time she called you that
U- i know rubes im sorry for making you worry but it's way past your bedtime so off to bed cause you have school in the morning and I don't think they will believe you that your moms girlfriend is spider girl and that you stayed up cause you were worried will they
R- that would be such a good excuse
U- I know it will be but you need your sleep
R- but you're still hurt
U- I'll be ok I have superhealing it will be ok by morning
R- ok night mama, night mom
U+S- night ruby
Ruby goes to bed then Sam comes up to you and smacks your wound
U- ow!
S- why didn't you tell me!
U- cause you were dealing with you worse half reign, as well as ruby I didn't need you to have anything else to worry about
S- but that was ages ago now so why didn't you tell me then
U- I didn't want to put you in more danger and I didn't need you to worry about me more than you do cause it could get you killed and I don't want to see you dead
Sam hugs you
S- just be more careful next time, like you said you're not indestructible
U- so you're not mad
S- no cause you have a valid reason not to tell me
Al- I'm still pissed, how did you keep it from me and the DEO
U- jonn knows who I am he is the one who gave me my suit
K- and he didn't tell us?!
U- I asked him not too, first of all Alex tells you everything and second you're terrible at keeping secrets and for Lena... I don't know why I didn't tell you
L- it's fine y/n just happy you're ok but i think it's our cue to go so see you all soon
They all leave and Sam practically leaps on you and kisses you
S- I thought I lost you
U- you will never loose me Sam I'm gonna be with you through everything through thick and thing

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