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Let's get this straight. In this story everything is basically the same up to where All Might and Izuku meet, All Might didn't loose the sludge villain when Izuku grabbed onto him and therefore they didn't meet again after he told him he couldn't be a Hero, without a quirk. (Which he only manifested later.)

Katsuki still bullied Izuku, for different reasons, but Izuku has and always has had a crush on him. Katsuki also liked Izuku but couldn't accept his feelings and bullied him to try and make his feelings go away. Which they never did.

Izuku has a quirk in this story / AU which I'm going to explain now because I'm too lazy to later.

Izuku Midoriya
Quirk : Analyze
He can analyze the persons stats like, age / date of birth, power, speed, agility, intelligence, quirk with it's weaknesses and strengths. He can also get answers to personal questions if he asks them.

With that last one, what I mean is that if he asks them a question like, "What's your favorite food?" And they hear him they don't have to answer him like with Shinso it just pops up as 'Favorite food : Katsudon' and lists those answers for him under the stats above. (They have to hear him)

So yeah, uh enjoy?

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