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Izuku POV:

It was just a bathroom, a normal, plane bathroom with the bare necessities. There was a sink, bathtub, shower, toilet and a floor to ceiling high cabinet. I went inside shutting the door behind me, I walked up to the mirror to look at myself. I looked awful.

I had bags under my eyes and my eyes looked bloodshot. My green hair was messy and drenched in dry blood. I wasn't wearing a shirt, which could be why it was to drafty in here, but thats not the strangest thing. I couldn't see my face, I had grown past the mirror and now was almost touching the ceiling. This made me confused since the last time I had looked in a mirror I had barely passed half way up the mirror. This didn't sit well with me until I thought that I might finally be taller than Kacchan. This made me giddy and gave me enough strength to run the bath and climb in.

As my skin touched the water I flinched, it really stung. I took a good look at my body only to realize I was covered in cuts, bruises and marks. Some looked infected while others looked like they would close up and leave scars. I winced as I lowered my whole body into the tub and grabbed a sponge with some soap that was supplied in the cabinet I had put next to the tub on the floor. I poured the soap on the sponge and spent a good hour washing and scrubbing and cleaning up my hair and body.

I finally finished and got out the tub grabbing a towel hanging from the wall. I dried myself off and went back into the room only to find a set of clothes, a suit to be more precise, laid out on the bed with a note. It said..

Put this on and come out the room.

We have a surprise for you and we really hope you like
It. Please do us the honor of your presence.


I got shivers reading the note but did as it said, putting on the clothes and leaving the room out the door I wished would just disappear. I cautiously opened the door and walked down a long hallway. The clothes that I had on were a little tight but showed off my now nonexistent muscles, probably from being locked in that room for so long, it was black with a red tie and black dress shoes.

I had tried to fix my hair by brushing in down but it just poofed back up. I turned the corner and found myself in a room fulled with the worlds worst villains. It looked like the whole league was there, they were all sat around a long table with Shigaraki at the head. The room was quite fancy for a base with light colors and wooden finishings, there were paintings hang up on the walls with some of the more notorious villains ever known.

I was snapped out of my my thoughts with a large grunt as Shigaraki motioned for me to come sit next to him. I walked past the villains and got very, very scary smiles from them all even Toga, a loose villain, gave me a flirtatious smile at which I recoiled. I finally made it to the chair that was situated next to Shigaraki and took a seat. He gave me a look that said, Welcome. He stood up and did the last thing I thought he'd ever do.

"Now, let's welcome the newest member to the League. Izuku Midoriya."


Bakugou POV:

It's been nine months since that idiot went missing. The Police have given up on him and dropped his case stating that he was dead. I don't want to believe it but I have no proof he's alive. I go to his "grave" every day, thats where I am right now, wishing that he was here. I bring flowers hoping that he might come back knowing full well that that's not gonna happen. Theres been an increase of villainous activity after he disappeared along with a so called "lock down" to keep the people safe.

Thats what they claim at least, they probably just don't want all the extra stress on top of finding that new and dangerous villain, I think his name was D or something like that. I haven't really been paying attention to much since it's my last year at UA and I'm graduating in a few weeks. I can't believe I'm going to be graduating without that Nerd. It just doesn't feel right. I stand up from my crouching position and say goodbye to the Nerd.

I start to walk out the cemetery which is in a forest on top of a mountain that we used to play around at when we were kids. I head to the archway that acts as an exit but freeze, I'm not sure why but I feel uneasy all of a sudden. I quickly turn around my palms at the ready. I search for any signs of a villain but come up short. There shouldn't be anyone out here since it's lockdown and I snuck out of the dorms. I thought to myself as I back away towards the steps until I hear a whoosh sound behind me.

I become even more tense if thats even possible since I sense a presence behind me. I slowly turn around to be met with the face of the last person I expected to see towering over me. Before I can stop myself I blurt out,

"D-deku?!" I stumble back away from the now taller male.

He looks so different, his hair is a dark shade of green on the verge of black while his eyes stayed the same, he's taller now and is wearing a black and white suit with a gold tie clip with little bunny ears on the tip. His hair seems the same but doesn't, it looks less knotty and more tamed. It's parted to the side and it seems he has an undercut now.

After a few moments of silence he coughs and gives me one of his signature smiles which gives me the creeps and makes my legs go numb. I fall to the ground and land with a thump on my ass. He looks shocked and immediately bends down in an attempt to come to my aid. He starts fretting over me asking me things like, "Are you ok Kacchan?" Or "Did I startle you? What are you doing here and not at UA in lockdown?" His questions fly right over my head as my eyes start to sting and I start to tear up. He notices and goes from worrying about my legs to the strangest reaction I've ever seen someone have about someone who's crying. He smiles.

He looked up from my legs, blushed and gave me the biggest, most nervous smile I've ever seen. Thank goodness he had his eyes closed since I just beat the world record for blushing. My heart started pounding and I didn't even have time to think about it. I sat up and leapt into his muscular arms for a hug. I could only guess that he looked taken aback since he hesitated before bringing his arms around me for a much needed hug.

After a few minutes of us embracing each other he slowly let go only to hoist me up and carry me bridal style. He came closer to my ear and whispered, "Let's go home, My Love."


My Love~ Villain Deku x Bakugo Where stories live. Discover now