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Izuku POV:

I watched him as he tried to pick a collar, honestly I wanted him to choose the green one so that everyone knew he was mine. Being the compulsive person that I am, even if he chooses the orange one I'll still make him wear the green. I want to make it seems like he has a choice when in reality he belongs to me, no one else but me can decide what's best for him.

After a few moments of silence I sighed. He's not going to choose. I broke the silence saying, "It's settled then, you will wear the green one whenever you leave this room." He looked at me shocked, he didn't think I would actually make him wear it. I smirked.

I took his hands and threw him on the bed with a thud. He turned around with a scared look on his face, frozen. I took advantage of this opportunity and threw the collars to the ground without taking my eyes off him. I hastily stalked towards him onto the bed holding both of his wrists in on hand. I took off my tie and tightly laced it around his slender wrists.

I crawled forward until I was above him, I leant down and started kissing him. I bit his lip asking for entrance but when he didn't give in I started stripping off what little clothes he had on, once I had taken off the top and "pants" he obliged. I heatedly explored every inch and cranny of his addicting mouth. After a while we had to stop for air and the sight alone made me hard. His face was a mess, his cheeks were flustered while his eyes were half lidded, he had drool dripping down his face and all he was panting like a mutt in heat. All he had on were some boxers which I quickly took care of.

His hands were still behind his back and lying on his back. I couldn't stop myself, I spread his legs to look at his pink delectable hole. "I'm going to put a finger in now ok?" I asked seductively. He looked at me through half lidded eyes and nodded. I wasted no time inserting one finger earning a gasp from my beloved. I inserted another finger and started to move faster. "Nng h-haH!!" "Mph, ahh!"

"D-deku, stOp-!" He moaned.

"Whatever you want Doll~" I said taking out my fingers which were covered in lube. I saw the relief in his eyes as he lay back down. I quickly undid my pants and took out my cocks which was as high as Mt.Everest. I aligned myself with his ravishing hole and thrusted which made My Darling shoot up like a rocket moaning at the top of his lungs. I trusted into him, each time receiving a gratifying grunt.

"I-i'm gonna CUM!" He shouted, I quickly stopped halfway through the part that would send him over the edge.

He looked up at me hair clinging to his pink cheeks, from sight alone I could feel myself drowning in pre-cum. I grabbed his jaw with my big, scared hands. He tried to close his mouth but I just held it open with my finger, I brought my cock up to his mouth, "Suck," I stated. He quickly obliged and began to suck on my cock, in all honesty he wasn't the best. I'll need to teach him how to do it later.. I thought.

We got through the sucking part with me smacking his ass from time to time, other times pulling his penis which made his eyes dilate and grunt. This allowed me to reach the point where I was ready to eject, I pulled away from Kacchan only to pull him closer choking him on my  9 inch or 22cm. "I'm going to come now-," I said as his eyes grew wider, "-And your going to swallow it all like a good little boy, ok?" I asked in a menacing tone. He started shaking his head furiously as I came. He started to pull away so I grabbed his hair making sure he couldn't.

As I came, I tilted his head upwards so that he had to swallow it otherwise it would slowly drip down his throat or he would choke and drown in the semin. Once the cum was gone I released my Baby Boy to which he started coughing. "D-deku.. it h-hurts..." He said pointing to his now red penis dripping pre-cum. I quickly aligned myself with Kacchan and thrusted into him as he moaned and grunted throughout the process.

"Oh, my Baby Boy~ Daddy will make it feel all better soon My love~" I teased. I thrusted into him a few more times before he came all over his chest, I came shortly after at the sight. I pulled out of him, cum spilling out of his ares and onto the silk sheets. I started kissing him, passionately, as I scooped him up and carried him into the bathroom. I ran the tub with him still panting in my arms, once it was warm I gently placed him inside and began cleaning him inside and out. Once all of my cum was out I began rubbing his back with a sponge.

I then took rose scented shampoo and rubbed it into his hair as he slowly began to drift asleep. Once I was finished I dried him off and adorned him with one of my shirts. I plopped him down, onto the new sheets that I had replaced while he was in the shower, and tucked him in. I then sneakily snuck out of his room but not before leaving a train of kisses down his neck and all over his body. Sweet dreams my Darling.

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