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Deku lowered me from the wall and scooped me up into a tight embrace. He carried me towards the sofa and laid me down onto the plush cushioning as he sat down next to me, wrapping his arm around my shoulder. He grabbed a remote and pressed one of the many buttons on it. 

Instantly a knock on the door was heard and a waiter dressed to the nines in a black shiny tail coat and matching breaches. He bowed his head down towards the carpeted ground asking, "Welcome to the LOV," I instantly raised my head, a clear look of shock was seen on my baffled face as he continued, "it stands for the League Of Villains." A shiver ran up my spine as I thought it over. Deku never explained to me where he had taken me, he had me blindfolded as soon as we left the room.

I look over at his face as he looks away, refusing to meet my eye, he had planned this from the beginning. He's still the spineless nerd that can't come clean about joining hero's greatest enemy. The LOV. I break away from his grasp and fall down onto the floor. The waiter looks shocked but continues, "W-would you two like anything to drink..?" Deku turns to him with a grim smile on his face as he answers in the most, "We'll have a bottle of your best wine and the hero course." The waiter nodded before exiting the room swiftly.

As soon as the door closed Deku looked over at me, he got up and started walking towards me when I quickly scuttled backwards. He froze before sitting back down on the seat. He had this strange expression as if I had just killed someone, but of course that wouldn't matter to him since I'm sure he's done that many times being with the LOV. Tch it makes me sick.

"Get on hell with it won't ya?" I scream standing up, "Or were you not planning to tell me about your recent switch of sides? What happened to being a hero you piece of shit!" My eyes started stinging and tears threatened to spill over. I walked closer to him and grabbed him by his collar pulling him up from the chair but not allowing him to stand. "I thought we were going to be heros together just like we promised when we were little!" I couldn't hold back anymore, all the lies, all the deceiving..all the faking.

I had had enough. I punched him in the jaw, I punched him on the nose, the cheek, the neck, anywhere I could. It felt so good to see his face all bloody and bruised but what took all the satisfaction out of it was the expression he had on throughout my beating. The same face he'd have on when we were kids and he was protecting some kid I was beating up. He was fucking smiling.

That caught me off guard and I lowered my fists which gave him enough time to stand up and tower over me. He looked down at me and before I could react he had brought me into a bone breaking hug. Once I realized what was heppening I tried to pushhim off, saying things like, "H-Hey! Let go of me you worthless extra!" Or "What the hell do you think you're fucking doing broccoli head!" After a while I felt something wet on my shoulder, I turned to the side and saw that this guy was crying again. Great~.

It felt like deja vu, but this time I wasn't going to push him away. I grabbed onto his coat and pulled him closer, I'm not sure how long we stayed like that but by the time we let go the food had been brought in.

My Love~ Villain Deku x Bakugo Where stories live. Discover now