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Katsuki POV:

Opening my eyes to the same lavish room, I sit up. I look down at the silk sheets that incase me, they are smooth and soft on my bare skin..bare skin. The memory's of the previous night come flooding back to me like a tidal wave, that dick.

He fucking took advantage of me while I was in a very intoxicated state, I'm pretty sure someone drugged the juice I had had moments before that nerd came in. Whatever, nothing I can do about it now.

I slowly climbed out of bed, my ass hurt like fucking hell. I staggered to the closet where I found a pair of sweat pants and a plain white shirt and some sweat pants. I quickly put it on while throwing the fucker's shirt into the trash.

I walk out of the closet and head straight for the tv, There really isn't much I can do is there? I thought. Just then, the door opened wide revealing the last person I want to see. Deku. He gives me one of his signature smiles as he walks towards the bed. He bends down as if he's looking for something, he quickly stands back up and turns to me.

"Kacchan? Why is your collar hidden under the bed?" He asks me with a menacing smile. I just brush him off while I answer, "Pfft, you think I know why it was  there Nerd? HAH?" His smile vanishes as he hastily walks towards me, he stops with just enough room for my nose not to touch his biceps. "Darling~ this is a warning," he says as he towers over me, "don't ever raise your voice at me again. Got it?"

I feel shivers going down my spine, I reluctantly nod my head with a scowl on my face which seems to be enough for the asshole. He quickly goes back to being his cheerful self as he tries to put the collar on me, "Hey! Why are you putting that thing on me?" I shout as I jump back in surprise, using my arms in an attempt to escape my inevitable fate. "Sweetie, what did I say about yelling at me?" He wines with a sad look on his face.

This pisses me off, "If you think that I'm just going to become some obedient little dog whenever you enter the room then your fucking delusional!" I say with anger in my eyes, "You've known me ever since we were kids! Do you really think I'll listen to a dick like you-?" Before I could react he had pulled me into a suffocating hug while stroking my hair.

"Of course not Doll~ I just want you to lessen the amount of times you shout at me, ok?" I peer up at him with a scowl into his sincere eyes, "Tch fine, but Ill only cut it down to 97% GOT IT?" I say. He chuckles and pulls me in tighter, "Of course Love, I would never dream of changing you in any way." I slowly pull from his grasp and question why he wants to put the collar on me.

"Thats because I wanted to take you out for dinner!" He says excitedly. I look at him with disgust, why in the damn world would I ever want to go to dinner with a psycho? I back away from him and run to the safety of the bathroom shutting the door behind me.

I hear foot steps come up to the door and a silent knocking sound, "Sweetie, please come out. I won't make you wear the collar on the outside of your shirt, you can even wear something to cover it up!" He pleads with a hint of sadness in his voice. I sigh, If I don't come out of this huge ass bathroom I'll never get another chance to leave this dingy room.

I reluctantly open the door to see a sad looking puppy like man sitting on the bed. He looks up and almost instantaneously his whole face brightens up giving me one of his signature smiles. I sigh and open my arms waiting for the hug that I know is coming. He stands up and runs towards me engulfing me in his addicting scent, "Tch. Hurry up and let go of me you fucking bastard!" I shout at him as I try to escape his grasp.

I stop as soon as I feel something wet on my shoulder, I turn my head towards the Nerd to see he's crying into my shirt leaving a large dark circle. "*Sniff* I-I'm sorry Kacchan..I just...I'm just so happy your here..*sniff*" I cringe at his weakness but pat his back since I don't want him to get anymore of his snot on my shirt, "*Blows*" He's going to pay for this.

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