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Katsuki POV:
We sat down, trying to make small talk while we eat our meal. I could feel something was wrong by the time I got to the fish but ignored it since we had just finished talking about some very serious matters.

Time skip

By the time we had finished our meal my vision had gotten foggy. I looked over to Deku who seemed to be oblivious to my situation and was blabbering away like a fucking shit. I tried to get up but felt my head start spinning making the room spin along with it. I felt my legs tremble and give way sending me plummeting to the ground. I landed on the carpet with a thud grabbing Deku's attention. He peered down at me with a coy smile and I could feel my face heating up.  I was beginning to pant like a dog in heat and all I could think about was the fact that Deku didn' look fazed by my situation at all. It was almost as if he knew what was going on.

Then it hit me. Deku had drugged the meal, he had purposely brought me to a private room..where no one would bother us. I had had enough, I tried to stand up but as soon as I stood on my two feet I felt a wave of heat flow over me. My legs started to buckle, I couldn't stand any longer as I slowly fell towards the ground. A pair of arms caught me, I looked up at Deku's fucking lying face. He was grinning from ear to ear and leaned closer towards me, he put his lips to my ear and whispered, "If you want to prove love me, let me do with you what I want."

I couldn't stop panting, my vision was becoming blurry and the world started spinning, but the only thing that made sense was the man in front of me. I weakly lifted my hand towards his cheek, he leaned in affectionately as I snatched my hand away and slapped it with all my might against his face. He staggered back dropping me in the process of putting his hand over his cheek. I crawled to the door and as I reached for the door knob there was a hand that slammed against the door. I froze, I knew who is was, there was only one person it could be. Deku.

He grabbed by waist, flipping me over with a loud thud. I looked at his face, it was angry, the most angry I've ever seen it. I could've sworn he growled under his breath. "Listen to me pet." He practically spat, "You are mine, and I will do with you what I please. Do I make myself clear?" His voice grew darker in the last few words, he was scaring me. I tried to wriggle out of his grasp but he pinned me down using his body. He took my wrists in one hand and pinned them above my head against the door. He then started unbuttoning my shirt, "W-Wait! What the fuck do you think you're doing!?" I screamed at him, or as much as I can with the drug taking effect. "I'm just taking whats mine." He said lustfully. I gulped.

He grabbed his belt and used it to tie my hands in place, he then ripped the buttons off my shirt and started pulling at my nipples. I could feel myself getting swept away, the pleasure was making my head spin until I felt a sharp pain on my nipple. I looked at him to see him pulling out a needle with a green piercing from a hidden compartment. From the numbing cream to the pointy needle he was carrying I could tell what he was going to do. I quickly tried to unbind my hands from his belt with little success, he was now only a few centimetres away from my nipple.

"Don't worry hunny! It'll be over before you know it." He spoke in a calming voice as if he were talking to a child. Before I could respond he plunged the needle into my flesh. I felt nothing at first but then a soaring pain shot through my body. "AAAAAGHHH!" I screamed out in pain. The needle wasn't very sharp and I could tell it was old, blood was dripping down my chest and my nipple was bright red. "NGH!" I moaned, it was agonising. He hadn't done anything and was just sitting on top of me watching my face turn in pain. He smiled before taking the green D piercing and slipping it into my nipple. He then threw the needle towards the table and started unbuttoning my pants.

My eyes widened as he stuck his hand up my half done pants. He found the rim of my boxers and quickly pulled them down with the rest of my pants. I gasped as the cool air hit my naked ass, he wasted no time in starting as he shoved his fingers up my ass hole, "Mmhmm.." I let out as I tried to suppress a moan. "You like that? Hm? My God, you're such a slut~." I started to moan more as he picked up the pack stretching me beyond repair. Once he seemed pleased he took his fingers out, I rubbed up against his pants missing the friction.

He let out a grunt and quickly unzipped his pants. He pulled out his dick, dripping with pre cum and aligned himself with my ass hole. He waited for what seemed like an eternity before penetrating my body, I screamed out in pleasure as he trusted into me, harder. "Aahhh~" I moaned, he kept up a steady pace, making me feel lost in the sensation until I heard footsteps outside the door. They started getting louder, closer until they were right outside, knock knock. Someone was just outside the door. "Hello sir? You've been in there a while, I was wondering if you were ok?" The man outside asked. No, no, no! He was going to hear everything.

I looked over at Deku only to see his expression darken before he mercilessly pounded into me without warning. I let out a loud moan which made the boy outside knock again. "Sir! Is everything alright in there?" He shouted banging on the door. I looked at Deku with a pleading face, "Let me cum you bastard!" I shout-whispered. He just shook his head, "Thats no way to talk to your master~ If you want me to finish you off, beg for it." He said as his hand made it's way to my hard cock and grabbed it. I winced at the pain before speaking, "In your dreams hah~ you fucking dick.. ngh.." He looked at me and smirked, he then started rubbing my dick, faster and faster.

Just before I was about to cum, he stopped and put a finger on the tip of my dick. "As I've said before darling~ If you don't beg I'll open this door right now and the little page boy outside will see everything. So, what will it be?" I looked at him, disgusted before reluctantly complying, "P-please..fuck me.." Deku didn't look please and was about to open the door before I spoke up, "Mas-ter." His smile changed before he grabbed both my hips and thrusted into me, I moaned and cried out, but not loud enough for the person outside to hear. Just before I was about to cum Deku grabbed my chin and whispered into my ear, "If you cum before I say so..I'll make you regret it." I flinched but slowly nodded my head.

He grinned and smashed his lips to mine before continuing to abuse my ass. "Mhh! F-faster!" I moaned at him, "As you wish doll~" He said before pounding into me harder than ever. My dick was purple now and dripping with pre cum from the buildup. He leaned closer to me and said, "Cum." I eagerly complied as my cum shot up all over Deku's face and shirt, he licked it from his cheek and pulled out from me. I whimpered from the lack of contact until he brought me up to a sitting position. He stood up and placed his hard dick into my mouth. "Be a good kitty now and drink up all of Daddy's milk~" He said right before shooting his cum straight down my throat. I tried to back away but he grabbed the back of my head and pulled me closer.

His seed was shooting right down my throat and fulling up in my mouth. "Oh God." He said. Finally he took his dick out of my mouth and bent down towards me, "Now, be grateful and finish the milk I have given you." Cum was dripping down my mouth so I closed my mouth and swallowed the strangely salty substance. When I opened my mouth to show that I had swallowed it all he smiled and patted me on the head. In that moment the exhaustion, or maybe the drug, caught up to me and I toppeled towards the ground. Deku caught me once again and kissed the top of my head, "You did well Bunny." The last things I heard as I fell asleep was someone shooing away the waiter.

Hello! Sorry for my update schedule, or lack of. I will hopefully be writing more now so stay tuned!

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