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Izuku POV:

I can't believe I found Kacchan! I thought it would be impossible to get him since the security in UA is so tight but it seems he came to me all on his own. Cute.

I walk into the base with Kacchan in my arms, I had to drug him since I didn't want him to try and escape or see where our hideout is. I avoid the common are in an attempt to be unnoticed which was a success and bring him towards the left wing where we keep all the prisoners. We may be Villains but we make sure every prisoner has their own room.

I choose the furthest room in the corner so that no-one bothers my Darling. I enter the room and strap Kacchan in an expensive chair, I have to make sure he's comfortable after all, using high quality rope as not to irritate his smooth, flawless skin. Once he's tied up to the chair I walk back to the common room to ask Kuroguri if he can help me move some furniture into Kacchan's new room.


We just got finished moving some furniture into Kacchan's room. We moved in a king sized canopy bed, a long couch, more lighting, a desk and a tv. We even moved in a bookcase filled with books like, male x male relations, or cook books, we also put some romance novels and manga to keep him entertained.

Once we finished moving all the stuff in I started fulling the wardrobe full of clothes and shoes. I just have to add the finishing touches and then I can wait for Kacchan to wake up!


Katsuki POV:

I opened my eyes to a brightly lit room fulled with luxurious, beige colored furniture and pastel orange wallpaper. I tried to move to see my surroundings better but failed after realizing that I was strapped to a chair. I started to struggle and brake free from the ropes to no avail. After a while of me trying to wriggle out of the ropes I heard the door creak open.

I jolted my head up to see who had entered the room only to be met with the familiar green eyes of the person whom I thought was dead. Izuku.

He stuck his head inside and jumped a little when he realized I had woken up. He opened the door completely, revealing a nice looking suit, and stepped inside locking the door behind him. He walked towards me until he was right in front of me crouching down so that he was at my height. He said in a seductive voice which I wouldn't have guessed was him,

"How was your nap, My Love?"

I blushed at the obvious pet name and looked away only to be brought back to him with an outstretched gloved hand. He peered deep into my eyes and I saw a lustful intent flash across his eyes before he leaned closer, so close that out lips would touch the next time either of us spoke.

We stayed there for a few moments before Izuku closed the gap slamming his lips into my own. It was a hungry, ravenous kiss almost like he was going to devour me. He bit at my bottom lip asking for permission but when I didn't give it too him I heard him grunt right before he reached for my dick and squeezed it, hard. I winced at the pain which gave him an opportunity to slither his tongue into my mouth. He abused my mouth using his tongue to explore every inch and cranny of it.

After a few seconds of kissing he finally pulled away and looked at me. He smiled and said, "Next time you want to disobey me, I'll make sure your punishment is worse than a small pull on your dick. Got it?" I nodded slowly still catching my breath. He smiled and kissed my forehead, he then started to untie me but not before putting fluffy hand cuffs on my wrists. Once he untied me he lifted me up bridal style to which I blushed enormously. He looked down at me and chuckled while carrying me over to the large beige canopy bed and laying me down.

"I'll be back in a little but sweetie, okay?" He said to which I just solemnly nodded. He walked out the door locking it, again. I clenched my teeth and pulled the covers other my head.


I'm not sure how long Dekus been gone for but it feels like days. When he left I had a look around the room I was in and read some of the titles of the books which startled me. Does he want me to actually read this shit? I kept asking myself. It was pretty hard to do things with these hand cuffs on but I managed to find the Tv remote and turn it onto Miraculous Ladybug. After a while I got bored and decided to look for a way out but the only way was the locked iron door. I couldn' find another way out so I just went back to watching.

I was watching for a while until I heard the door open again revealing Deku. He was still wearing a tux but had 2 bags with him. He walked towards the couch where I was sitting and leaned over and plopped one of the bags he was holding down and threw the other on the bed. He then came and sat down next to me placing his arm over my shoulder to which I flinched.

"What are you doin' Love?" I blushed once more at the pet name but shook it off and replied with,

"S-shut up! Why do you keep calling me by shitty pet names huh? I'm not your 'Love' so don't call me that fucker!" As soon as the words left my mouth I could see his expression darken. He looked like he was about to kill someone, he closed his eyes and took three deep breaths, he then, in a very menacing tone, said,

"Go to the closet and put on the black outfit. Now." He said pointing to the closet, it was a simple command but I followed in fear of what he might do if I didn't.

I looked down and saw that I was still in the clothes I had been kidnapped in, not that you can really call this fucking kidnapping. I walked to the closet while Deku picked up the bag and walked over to the other one that was on the bed.

I opened the closet but I wasn't expecting to see what was inside. There were suits in every color imaginable, they looked around my size, maybe a little snug on me. There were things I weren't even sure were clothes like, this black leather one-piece, it had a sleeveless crop top with designs cut out around the ribcage area and an almost completely open chest area, a piece of leather connecting the top and the bottom which were shorts that looked like a black speedo and fishnet stockings with a piece of leather going down that as-well. There were also things like chains and other accessories on it but some of them I wasn't sure what they were.

All in all it looked like a fucking strippers uniform. I grimaced as I picked up the outfit and walked further into the walk in closet to get changed. It took me a while to put on but I finally figured it out. Once I had it on I walked over to the mirror and looked at the sight. The outfit fit me perfectly, it clung to my muscles and made my ass look phenomenal. I looked like a skank, I didn't want to go out but I knew that if I didn't then Deku would come in here himself.

I walked out of the closet closing the door as quietly as possible, yet he still heard me.

"Ah, there you ar-." Before he could finish his sentence he turned around and his whole face went blank. After a few seconds of intense staring I coughed, "Ahem." That seemed to wake him from his trance and his once blank face was now curling up into the most seduced smirk I've ever seen. He then motioned for me to come closer to the bed which I did.

Once I got close enough he picked me up by my armpits and placed me gently on the bed as I tried to break free from his strong grip. He then took something out of the one bag and said,

"Alright, I want you to choose one ok?" I nodded not understanding what he meant. He then pulled out two collars from behind his back, one was a bright green that matched Deku's eyes decorated with even brighter green lightning bolts and a little golden cat paw dangling from the front that said 'Kitty', and the other was a light orange with little circles decorating it, again with a paw print that said 'Kitty' hang from the front.

He looked at my face and while smirking said,

"Choose one or I'll choose one for you." I gulped and pointed to the..


My Love~ Villain Deku x Bakugo Where stories live. Discover now