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Katsuki POV:

We pull up to the restaurant, it has red carpets, fancy looking butlers and gold trimmings. It looks like a miniature fucking castle. Izuku hops out of the car and comes around to open my door. He leads the way into the restaurant and doesn't even bother to wait in line with the man checking for reservations. We walk past the line and towards the tables when the man taking reservations shouts, "Hey! What do you think your doing cutting the line and then strutting in like you own the place? Do you even have a reservation?" The other people in line start to join in and complain about us acting privileged and that they have been waiting there for hours.

The damned nerd turns around slowly and stalks toward the line of people dressed in suits and slutty dresses. Deku was smart enough to let me choose what to wear 'cause if he made me wear something like those whores I would've blasted the shit out of him. Deku walks up to the man that was complaining the most in the front of the line, he has a bitch clinging to one of his hairy arm's and a cigar in the other.

Deku snatches the cigar right out of his hand and mimics the man by pretending to smoke the cigar, he then punches the man square in the face making him go flying back into the marble wall and says to the man hiding behind the reception desk, "Have security escort this douche bag and his gold digging lady friend off the premises." As he walks towards me again. The man then in a shakily tone asks, "A-And who gave you atho..rity to do that..!" Deku turns around to glare and then smirk at the man, "Since this is my restaurant I don't see a problem with it." The man looks shocked and quickly bows down on his knees begging for forgiveness as security drags the unconscious man and the girl out.

Deku takes my hand and escorts me to where the V.I.P rooms are, there is a golden door at the end of the hallway with a plate that says "Boss" on it. He leads me inside shutting the door behind us.

Izuku POV:

I push Kacchan against the wall and start kissing him passionately, as soon as he starts kissing me back I bite his lip to try and deepen the kiss, he doesn't allow me entrance so I pick him up and he wraps his legs around my waist. I start undoing his pants while still biting his bottom lip, he stubbornly refuses to give in, so I pull down his pants and lingerie in one quick motion this earns me a gasp from him since the air is quite chilly. I quickly seize this opportunity and slip my tongue into his mouth, we stay like that until we need to breathe. We start panting and end up smiling at one another, pressing out foreheads together. I'm so happy that Kacchan is showing me the smile I've missed for so many years.

Sorry it's short
(Will update soon ✍︎︎)

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