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Katsuki POV:

I woke up, back in the bedroom I've grown familiar to. That really ticks me off. I glance around for anything suspicious or out of place, seeing nothing out of the ordinary, I climb out of bed and make my way over to the closet. Luckily, I found myself some old clothes in a discarded drawer hidden away in the closet. I quickly grab the clothes and cover myself with the loose fabric. Feels fucking nice to be in normal clothes again. I walk out of the closet and towards the door, finding a note stuck to the handle.

It read,

Dear Kacchan, I know this may be surprising but I have decided to
allow you to wonder freely around the house. Please refrain from any
attempt at escaping since I have made sure that that is impossible.

Love Izuku~

What a Nerd, signing his name like that. Honestly...it makes me sick.

Time Skip

A few hours go by of me sitting around doing absolute shit. This house has nothing to keep a person imprisoned against their will entertained. I decide to look around the house and try to avoid the Shitty Nerd. Finally after wandering around aimlessly from room to room I finally stumble upon a room in the farthest corner of this Godforsaken house. There wasn't anything particularly out of the ordinary about the door, except for the fact that it didn't have a handle. In place of where the handle would've been, there was just a small hole, as if the door knob had been forcefully pulled out.

I feel chills run down my spine as I look around to make sure no one was watching. I couldn't help but have this strange creeped out feeling that something was wrong. This fucked up door gives me the creeps. Trying to fight back the urge to open the door and find out whats behind it, I slowly turn around to leave. I make it absolutely nowhere before, I feel a gust of wind hit my back as the door flies open and hits the wall with a painfully loud crash. I quickly cover my ears and turn to the once closed door. There, standing covered in blood was Deku.

Time to run the fuck away from. I reach out towards the closest door before I get nocked down from behind. I don't know what I was expecting, but I certainly didn't expect him to be standing there covered in blood and smiling. He caught my eye and as he stared at me, I couldn't help but feel small. I felt like I was nothing but a weak ant for him to squish. It made me mad. We keep the eye contact for a few more seconds when suddenly he grabs me by the wrist and pulls me towards him.

He was so fast that I couldn't match his swift movements and with one quick tug I lost my balance and landed face first into his chest. My face is squished in between his pecks and his stupidly intoxicating smell fills my nose. I try to push away but he brings his hand up behind my head keeping my face stuck in his chest. My face instantly begins to heat up, I look up towards his face and see him staring back down at me with a smile on his face. My face heats up even more when he grabs my chin and says, "Hey Darling, what are you doing here?" He lets go of my wrist, hand still on my chin, and grabs my waist pulling me closer than I thought possible.

"HAH? What's it to you fucker!" I yell. His eyes turn a dark green colour as he lifts me off the ground. I now have my legs wrapped around his waist and arms around his neck, "WHAT THE HELL SHITTY NERD! PUT ME DOWN!" He grabs at my ass, fondling it, "Mmhhh! S-stoHAP! It." I pant out, "I thought I told you not to swear at me sweetie~" He stops groping my ass, I let out a relieved sigh before he suddenly smacks it. "AHHH! SHIT WHAT THE-!"

"I thought I told you not to swear." He says in a calming voice, "GAHH! MMH! P-pleaSE! STAHP! ITT!" I yell out looking him in the eyes and almost begging. I see his eyes settle a little bit before they become hungry once more, "Of course baby." He says as he strokes my head and plants kisses along my neck, "Anything for you!"

He lets me down where I stand against the wall for support, "I love you Darling, but I just don't think that this is something that can be forgiven without a punishment." My eyes widen as my legs begin to buckle, "I know you don't like it when I punish you but I really think that this is best, wouldn't you agree?" He's looking down at me, he thinks he's so full of himself. How dare he think he's better than me. I'll make him pay.

I slowly look up at him with a sweet smile, "I wholeheartedly agree." I grit my teeth, "Darling~" He grabs me and picks me up bridal style, "I don't think you know what you've just done." He says as he starts, hurriedly, walking down the hall. As he's walking, almost running at this point, I get a chance to look at his face. He's......flushed, his cheeks have taken on a light pinkish colour, he's biting his lip to the point where he's bleeding. But the thing that scared me the most are his eyes, his eyes are those of a predator, and when he looks at me..it's like he's looking at his prey.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 01, 2022 ⏰

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