Chapter 9

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It took me a few moments to take in whatever he was talking about. Then it hit me like a ton of bricks falling from the sky.
"Don't you dare!" I exclaimed, "do you think you can enter such a high secured place?" I asked.
"We will enter when we have who they are looking for." Harry smirked. "They're looking for me?" I lowered my voice. He nodded.
I thought for a few seconds about it. If I went with them, they'll enter a place non other than the royal family can enter. And if I do go, I'll put the whole kingdom in trouble.
I made up my mind, and choose what was best for everyone.
"I don't care, try finding another method to enter," I began to leave, when one phrase threw me to the moon and back.
"Fucking bitch, your family probably didn't care about you." The jet black one talked. Everyone in the room gasped.
My back was to them. They couldn't see my shocked face. I knew it was true, but I never wanted to accept it.
I turned around, went up to him, and slapped him, really hard.
"I bet your parents didn't care about you too." I smirked.
"You little bitch" he pushed me hard into the wall, banging my head into it.
I could hear screaming, but it was oblivious to me.
Everything started to become dizzy.
I could feel a warm liquid flowing down my face.
Last thing I saw was Harry's worried face, then screaming at them.
But I couldn't hear.
Then darkness

I woke up to the worst pain ever. I couldn't hold my tears in. I let them flow freely.
"I'm sorry about that," I turned my head to the side as I heard a voice.
Non other than harry was sitting on a chair next to my bed.
I looked down ashamed that he saw me cry.
Back at England seeing a girl cry is a sign of bad luck.
Well I always was.
"Leave." I whispered lowly.
He shook his head from side to said as if saying no.
I looked dithery at him.
"Please, just go," I whimpered.
"You're hurt because I didn't look out for you, if you didn't come to that meeting non of this would have had happened." He explained.
"Why do you care?! I'm not a kid!" I growled at him.
I hated it when people treat me like a young child.
I'm freaking 17, I can clearly make my own decision. I'm even at the age of marriage!
"Your highness," I began "for the last time, why am I here?" I asked looking finally at him.
He sighed before he opened his mouth," you really want to know?" He asked, I nodded urging him to continue.
"Because, I want to marry you."

Your Highness (Harry styles) [on hiatus]Where stories live. Discover now