HONEY ??🥺😳

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                                                                  [   TIME SKIP : AT HOME   ]

Jk's POV:
I felt good after the evening at the cafe....and that too with an unexpected friend. I even got to see her again. Thinking about what happened back in the cafe I laughed to myself remembering how  brave and naughty she was. She caught me staring at her which really was embarrassing but the way she stared back was something I never expected.

Her right hand around the cup and her head supported by her left hand, head tilted to her left and staring at me with her beautiful and gorgeous eyes and a naught smile on her pink plump lips. 

Jk:  She's beautiful....and naughty.!

Y/n's POV:

Stretching my arms I lied on my couch watching some K-drama. Soon my thoughts were taken away by the incident at the cafe. I saw him again , staring at me with his beautiful big doe eyes , long deep black hair, right hand with black ink of tattoos  and an adorable bunny smile and a sexy smirk.. He was cute and hot at the same time.  Looking at the ceiling from the television I spoke to myself.

  He's cute....and hot.!

                                                                [   TIME SKIP : NEXT DAY   ]

*beep beep beep beep beep*

Y/n:  Aaaah.. you are so annoying...!

Letting out a deep breathe I woke up even though it was a leave for me just today on working day as per given by my company. A really good company ,am I right ? Getting out from the bed I went to brush my teeth and did my morning routine. Coming out from the bathroom I saw my sweetie being all happy wiggling her tail waiting for me. My puppy , Kami..
< Use any pets and any names according to your wish Y/n . Lol the author is lazy.>

Y/n:  Good morning sweetheart..

Patting him and seeing him all happy I prepared his as well as my breakfast. While having breakfast I checked my schedule to see 

Y/n:  Nothing...?? Well guess I'll be free today ........hmmm...what should we do Kami..?

Kami gave me a face of "how will I know? " . Laughing at his cuteness I decided to go

Y/n:  Groceries...yes. Shopping.!

I got myself up and ready for grocery shopping.

Y/n:  Kami.... baby, I'll be back soon ,be a good boy ok? I'll get your favourite snacks. Wallet...bag.....keys.....  Bye Kami. I'll be back soon.

I checked myself for one last time and left for shopping.

Jk's POV:

Jiyoon:  Get up you lazy one....you promised that you would drop me at the spa today. Now get up lazy... get up.!!

I woke up annoyed to my sister shouting at me. Yes, Jiyoon is my younger sister with 5 years age difference. 

Jk:  Shut up.!  Why are you screaming??

Jiyoon:  To wake you up.

Jk:  You are so ANNOYING...!!

Jiyoon:  That is what sisters are for brother.

Jk:  Get out..!

She started whining when I pushed her out from my room and went to deal with my morning routine. 
Going down I saw her making breakfast.

Jk:  Where is mom?

Jiyoon:  She left for work early today.

Jk:  Hmm...anything from dad?

Jiyoon:  Nope.

Jk:  Ok, you ready ??

Jiyoon:  What ? No... wait , give me 5 more mins here , have your breakfast and I'll be right back.

She went back to her room asking for 5 minutes which was 15 for me. I did enjoyed the breakfast she made for me and soon after we left.

                                                                      [   TIME SKIP : AT SPA   ]

Jk:   I'll die if I'm gonna wait for you.. so get done with your business and give me a call. I'll come back and pick you up.

Jiyoon:  Fine, but where are you going ?

Jk:  Just to spend time coz I don't wanna wait here for you getting bored to death.

Jiyoon:  Ha ha ha. Bye  Kooko.... thanku so much..!

Jk:  Jiyoon , text me or give a call if you need something.

Sure. I'll annoy you.

Giggling at her I started to drive again thinking about how to spend my time waiting for her.

                                                    [*   AT GROCERY SHOPPING   *]

Y/n's POV:  
I went  through each section searching for my items swaying my hips to the music being played in the store. Grabbing the items one one as I kept walking I placed them in my shopping cart. 
< The music being played ,is your favourite choice Y/n. >

I was relaxed and happy. Grabbing my each items ,I walked towards my favourite section. 

Y/n:  Sweets..!

As I reached the chocolate section , I got stuck at a certain point where my favourite chocolates were. Talking long and fast steps I approached my chocolates and was happy and sad at the same time.  The chocolates were kept a bit too high up for me to reach them. I tried to get them standing on my tip toes but couldn't reach them as I was a bit short to reach them. While trying to get them I was startled by a voice next to me.

Bad guy:  Want some help baby ?

Looking to the voice I saw a stranger. I didn't know him and he had a scary look in his face. 
The way he keep on looking at me was irritating me. 

Bad guy:  I like when you are short babygirl..!

What...? He started going over the limits and I decided to leave as soon as possible. I took my cart and started to leave but the stood in front of me blocking my way ahead.

Bad guy:  Why so soon baby? Come on I can help with that.!

He spoke and  started walking towards me. I was nervous and didn't know what to do. I stumbled back and lost my balance , but was safely caught by two strong hands and my back collided with a firm chest. The guy behind me suddenly spoke.

                                                                   [   A FEW MINUTES AGO   ]

Jk's POV: 
 I was feeling hungry and decided to grab something from the nearest store. Going through each sections lazily I saw a familiar figure  moving ....jumping ..?
It was her , Y/n. She was cute when she was trying to get her item from the height.  Soon my eyes caught something. It's a man, and he has been near her for some time now. My gut feeling was telling me that something was really not right.  The guy started moving towards her and I was quick to realize that she was in trouble. I started walking towards her.   
Reaching near her she tripped and was about to fall but my hands secured her and she collided with my chest.

??: Did he hurt you?

She  looked behind to see to whom the voice belongs to .She was looking at me like a scared  lost puppy. I did not receive any  reply from her which made me worried about her.

Jk: Honey, did he hurt you ?

I saw her eyes shinning  with relief and becoming calm once she saw me.

Jk: Did he??

Y/n's POV:
I could see the burning rage in his eyes. His eyes were really dark filled with anger and his hold on me made me feel safe for some reason. Wait ..did he call me....."Honey"??  What ? Why? He looked at me and that's when I came back to my senses.

Y/n: No..

Jk: Good ,coz I don't wanna hurt him too..

The bad guy was looking scared and quickly left the store not even sparing a glance at us. I  honestly felt safe. I turned around and saw him looking at me giving me intense look making me shy and blush hard.

Y/n: Thank you....I -

Jk:  Do you wanna get some ice cream ???

Y/n: .....??


Dear readers💜,

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I love you all..!😘
Stay safe . Stay happy. Stay healthy.💕

With lots of love:  

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