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Heyoon's POV :
Warning him I searched for her in the entire school and had nowhere else to search for. That's when I saw the same girl who told me about the guy . I approached her and saw her alone near her locker getting ready to leave for her home.

Heyoon:  Hey..
Girl:  Hey.
Heyoon:  You were right about the guy. He is really a player and yes he did broke her. But..
Girl:  What's wrong?
Heyoon:  I cant find her anywhere.. please help me.. please..

Girl:   Have you searched everywhere?
Heyoon:  Yes and there is no other place to search for her.!
Girl:  You are wrong , there is one more place. Come on..!

Following her I realized that we were going to the open terrace of our school. And searching her there we found her at the end curled up hugging her knees ,crying her eyes out. 
I was thankful and confused at the same time. Thankful that the girl helped me to find Y/n and confused that how does she know where to find her?

Heyoon:  Y/n..!
Girl:  She's safe..
Heyoon:  Oh I was so worried about you and couldn't find you anywhere after lunch. Why did you come up here ?

Girl:  Ahmm, I sorry , I must leave. And take care both of you.
Heyoon:  Wait, what is your name? 
Girl:  Goodbye and make sure that you don't get broken again.
Heyoon:  Thank you so much..!

With a sweet and kind smile she left us alone. Looking back at Y/n I saw her eyes red and tearing up continuously and shivering . The pain she's feeling at the moment was evident from her eyes.
Taking her into my embrace , I patted her head  calming her down.

Heyoon:  Y/n, its fine..calm down..
Y/n:  I-I loved him, wi-with all m-my  heart..  B-But he hurt m-me..! It hurts s-so m-much..!!!!

She burst out crying more and more weeping and clenching her heart ,being weak . Cupping her face I spoke to her calming her down, letting her understand that I'm gonna be with her no matter what.

Heyoon:  Y/n..dear please stop crying. Its fine. Its over and you are free. You deserve better and the best. Please get up lets go home. 
Y/n:  I-I'm s-s-sorry H-Heyoon..!

Heyoon:  Y/n ,don't worry. I'm here with you. Come on , get up . Lets go home.

And we left home. She was really sick for almost a week and was not talking to anyone or not even having proper food. She was broken.! And yes it was hard to get her back to her old self. I remember the day she neglected my warning her but I always kept checking on her. And what I feared happened. But I was able to bring her back.

For almost two weeks she never left home and stayed in. I went to school taking notes and helped her to study so that it can also help her to forget the past. And one evening I went to Y/n's  home and saw her sitting near the window crying..

Heyoon:  Y/n , what happened?
Y/n:  Heyoon ..... I-I'm really really sorry. I shouldn't have said thos-
Heyoon:  Hey , what are you talking about ? Its fine , because I know whatever you said aren't true and I know that you don't mean any of those. 
Y/n:  Heyoon, I-

I realized that she was going to break into tears and tried to made her laugh cracking some jokes.

Heyoon:  And I don't even care even if you mean those , you crazy old lady.! Now get up and stop sniffing like my dog sniffing and trying to find its food. You really reminds me of my puppy sniffing and its funny.
Y/n:  Thank you Heyoon.!
Heyoon:  Why?
Y/n:  You really tried to warn me but I never listened and I was so dump and I was blinded by his words. I'm really really sorry..! Please forgive me..

I knew she was blinded by the wrong and evil power and I never could hate her, ever. I could feel my eyes tearing up but my heart and mind reminded me to stay strong for her and quickly wiping my tears I hugged her tight.

Heyoon:   Y/n ,I promise you that no matter what , I'll be there for you always and you know what , space will make it better and time will make it heal . So don't worry..! 
Y/n:  I hope so.
Heyoon:   You are always welcome , now stop you drama queen coz I was running at our school ground rounds and rounds and look at me , I'm getting fatty..!! And just , just look at you.!!! sitting at home doing nothing and looking sexy bich..!! Not fair..!

Y/n:  Sorry...~~~!!
Heyoon:  Nope .! coz you are gonna get belly fat and I'm gonna make you fat like my squishy Pug puppy. 

Laughing at each other we both were back to our old self, best friends. And after , we always talk in peace no matter what. But even after that ,she had nightmares and even received proposals from some other guys and she was always scared to face them .

                                                                 [   END OF FLASHBACK   ]

Jk's POV:

Knowing the reason behind her tears made me really sad. Breaking her heart was not right. I felt my cheeks getting wet but soon wiped them before Heyoon noticing them.

Heyoon:  After the whole incident and everything its been really long . 
Jk:  I'm really sorry. I didn't know. 

Heyoon:  Its fine and I know that you are a nice guy. She told me that you saved her from that strange guy at store.
Jk: Oh..

Heyoon:  So what now?

Jk:  Will I be able to meet her sometime?

Heyoon:  Yeah, sure we'll meet you at the cafe If you're ok....

Jk:  Sure..!

 Next Saturday??

Jk:  Perfect..!
Heyoon:  But please take it easy on her...

Jk:  Sure, I'll  and thank you so much Heyoon..!

Heyoon:  Oh, sure Jungkook. You are welcome..!
Jk:   It was nice meeting you..! 

Heyoon:  Yeah, nice meeting you too, but I think I should get going ...!

Jk:  Oh, do you need a ride home?

Heyoon:  No, but thank you Jungkook. See ya..!

Jk:  Bye..!

I saw her walking away safely. I felt relieved and happy knowing more about my love, Y/n and soon I'll get to meet her again.!  A wide smile formed on my lips and my heart was beating like crazy. I love her..! I love Y/n..! Being all happy I went home taking a really good relaxed sleep after a long time..!


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