Chapter 12

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A few hours later

Cinder fell asleep on ganondorf lap as she snuggles into him so he decided to hold her and Carry her to the master bedroom and lay on the bed with her on-top of him as she nuzzles into him a bit more while he says to himself quitely my little queen he then decide to have a nap for a bit while he waits for her to wake up

In cinder dream

Ganondorf and cinder are in the ball room dancing into a blonde hair boy sneaks in And stabs ganondorf in the back with a strange sword as he turns to stone which shocks cinder to the point she wakes herself up

In the normal world

Cinder jolts awake as ganondorf looks at her as she looks at him snuggling into him as she lays at his side while she says to him bad dream he nodes understanding as he turns and warps his arms around her as she snuggles into his chest while she says to him after been here for a bit were do you want to go to stay ganondorf looks at her as he says we're ever you want to go I'll go with you cinder blushes and starts running a finger down his chest making him grins a bit while she closes her eyes for a bit think to herself

A few hours later at night

Ganondorf and cinder were walking around the desert looking at the night sky as He strokes her hair a bit while they walks as cinder blushes a bit wondering about her dream trying to figure out if it's telling her something she dosent know about ganondorf yet

A few weeks later

Cinder and ganondorf has moved to France as he had a secret mansion that he had suprise her with as it made her happy while she hugs him as they went for a walk around France to know there location while Just incase anything happens and they need to hide from danger

A few hours later

They were back at the mansion in bed as cinder was on-top of Ganondorf as they were making out A bit as they make out there was a knock at the door as ganondorf slips out from under her making her pout as he gose to the door to answer it wondering who it is

With cinder

She stays in the room waiting for ganondorf to come back into she oddly starts to feel a bit nauseous so she gose to the bathroom as she starts to vomit into the toilet which makes her think of why should would be feeling sick for as she has never felt like this before only when she was a child if she ate to much

A few weeks later

Ganondorf has figured out cinder been sick every morning so he takes her to forks Washington in America as he knew a family there and the father was and still is a doctor as ganondorf had called to let the father know he is stopping by for something That he needs help him

At the family house a few hours later

Ganondorf has arrived at the Cullen's house he was close with the family especially Carlisle and Emmet as ganondorf carries cinder in as Carlisle opens the front door and leads ganondorf to his doctors room where ganondorf lays cinder on the hospital bed as she was resting as she has a bit of a headache while then Carlisle decided to do a ultrasound to see what is going on in her stomach as he looks on the screen he shows ganondorf as Carlisle says to him it's true she is with a child but this one for some reason is different and I don't know why I need to look into it you both can stay for a while and leave her here to rest ganondorf nodes as he left with Emmett to been shown to his room for a little bit while Carlisle starts looking into why the unborn child is so different while Esme keeps an eye on cinder feeling a bit protective of her

A few weeks later

Cinder was on the couch keeping warm next to ganondorf as Carlisle still hasn't figured it out yet while a werewolf called Jacob stops by to see Edwards and Bella daughter into he noticed cinder as he recornized her from somewhere while ganondorf and Carlisle gose somewhere private to talk about the unborn child while cinder looks at Jacob while She looks horrible from the child as she looks at him as her eyes glow red from her wolf form which makes him recornized that she's a werewolf as he then gets a bit triggered by this as it was reminding him what Bella went through when she was human and pregnant with a vampire human child which starts making him think that cinder is also pregnant with a vampire human child while ganondorf comes back and feels the tension between Jacob and cinder while Carlisle walks in and says to Jacob leave her alone Jacob we don't need what happened with Bella to happen to our guest she is well looked after Jacob is silent as he leaves for a moment to think on something

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