Chapter 13

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A few months later

Cinder who looks 9 months pregnant when she only been pregnant 5 moths while she was sleeping on the lounge as the werewolf pack is watching the house as Jacob had again decided to stay with the Cullen's while both Emmett and ganondorf were looking out for the window as Esme was looking after cinder while Nessy Bella daughter was learning how to play the piano like her father into cinder starts shivering cold for some reason as ganondorf puts a blanket over her then watches over her for a bit as Carlisle dose the same as well

A few hours later

Cinder was up and walking a bit with Emmett and Jacob help while Carlisle and Esme were out hunting with Bella and Edward while cinder was help over to ganondorf as he holds her up to give Emmett and Jacob a rest for a bit while cinder says to ganondorf I feel really hot ganondorf thinks as he says to her strange it's probably nothing She nodes agreeing as she says to him want to hear the names I came up with he nodes looking at her as she looks at him and says to him well if it's a boy I was thinking of naming him after you and if it's a girl then I'll name her after my dead sister Lea ganondorf grins liking the names as he says to her well they sound quite nice cinder blushes a bit and into she felt something break as she growls in pain while ganondorf holds her then picks her up taking her with Emmett and Jacob and Alice and Rosalie to Carlisle medical room while Alice is trying to call Carlisle while Roseline trys to start the C section while ganondorf says to her not yet let the morphen spread Roseline replies there's no time he is dying cinder growls lightly and says just do it I'll be fine Roseline makes the opening but then starts becoming blood hungry as both Alice and Emmet gets Roseline out of the room while ganondorf shoves his hand through the opening and quickly grabs the baby out as it starts crying while ganon cuts the cord while cinder watches as she was starting to die from losing to much blood while ganondorf says to her telling her in his own way it's Ganon jr she grins a bit while she holds him a bit while Jacob was noticing something wrong with cinder as she growls a bit from pain which makes ganon jr cry as ganondorf takes the child back She then seems to be dead as both ganondorf and Jacob notice as he snaps his fingers while a man with white hair covering the right side of his face wearing white clothes with diamonds cut out of them and a red cape as he takes ganon jr away to be cleaned up while Jacob starts CPA while ganondorf turns away for a moment as he takes out the secret second peice of his secret magic called the triforce of power as it was his deads wife peice as he then decide to use it with cinder as he gose taking the peice as Jacob looks and says what's that ganondorf shoves the peice of the Triforce in cinder chest as ganondorf replies it's my magic Jacob backs off a bit while ganondorf Triforce of power starts glowing a bit while he then heard the wolves coming as the rest of the vampires along with Jacob go to protect the new born baby and Bella daughter while ganondorf stays with cinder

A few hours later

The werewolves have back off while Carlisle comes to ganondorf as they move cinder somewhere else as ganondorf says to Carlisle why is she so still this magic would be unbearable while making its way though her body was I to late Carlisle replied no you weren't don't worry the morphen keeping the pain at bay ganondorf nodes as they lay her were Bella was layed during her turning into a vampire while cinder lays there as everything was starting to heal all her bones that were broken along with her hair starring to float from the amount of power she has while her body starts to turn to wolf fur while she grows a tail and her feet turns to wolf paws while some wings sprouts from her back while ganondorf decided to carefully put some black eye shadow on her eyelids while her human ears turn to sort of a wolf shape she she continues laying there as ganondorf watches over her for a moment

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