the Seven find a cave with poisonous smoke.

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yeah... the title basically explains... hehe... HOPE YOU ENJOY!:)

btw, ive prepared this beforehand so expect fairly quick updates for a while!


"LAND AHOY!" Leo screamed, jumping up and down like a maniac as the flying ship slowly made its way back down to the ground, "FESTUS, BUDDY, KEEP THE LANDING STABLE!" He reminded his metal dragon who happened to control the enormous boat.

Percy groaned again, "Get me out of here..."

Jason, Piper, Nico, Annabeth and Frank looked at him sympathetically, Hazel meanwhile mimicked Percy's position with her head between her legs, "at least we made it without vomiting," she congratulated but her face was a shade in between green and purple if that were possible.

Finally the ship crashed down from the sky and swiftly plonked into the water which was crashing with waves.

Percy dived over the side of the ship and immediately began doing a perfect backstroke, swimming toward land.

"Dude." Jason said as he walked along the boarding plank leading to the stable ground, "it wasn't that bad, you could've waited."

"Well, you're not a son of Poseidon." Percy responded, kissing the cold stones littering the beach, "I've never missed Gaia this much!"

"At least that proved my new boat works being controlled by a Nintendo switch-WHOA!" As Leo walked down the gangplank, he slipped and stumbled accidentally turning aflame in the process.

Frank, who had an old fear of fire, got an enormous freight, transformed and jumped around barking until he realized he'd turned into a bulldog.

Hazel skirted around them and ran for a small building in the distance. Her cheeks were suspiciously puffed and her face was greener than ever.

Annabeth shrugged and pulled Percy off the ground. Nico followed Piper away from the mess, he tripped and accidentally called upon a dozen skeletal soldiers from the underworld. Piper then charmspoke them into returning to Tartarus.

Jason just looked on at the disaster open mouthed. Leo, who's sleeves and pant legs had burned off leaving him with shorts and a T-shirt, came over behind the demigod and put a hand on his shoulder. "Beautiful, isn't it?"

Jason turned to him, "ummm..."

"Chaos," Leo gestured to the carnage: Annabeth and Percy trying to convince Frank to turn back into a human, Piper and Nico farewelling the dead soldiers and Hazel returning from the house looking slightly less pale. "I especially like the creepy, unnatural green smoke rising from that cave over there." He pointed to a small cave which, indeed, had smoke pouring out of it.

"You know that's none of us doing that?" Jason told him.

Leo looked at him puzzled, "wait wha?"

"I think we should check it out." Piper, who had overheard their conversation, said.

"Yeah," Percy added over her shoulder. "We should totally go into the weird dark cave which echoes creepy words and is filled with poisonous smoke!"

The group of eight crept anxiously towards the crack in the rock cliff. A voice boomed out of the cave: "ENTER ONLY IF YOU DARE!"

The demigods looked at eachother, shrugged, and walked into the mist.

"MAY THE ODDS BE EVER IN YOUR FAVOUR..." the voice cooed. The halfbloods' world turned black.

sorry, that was kinda short, but hopefully good! i just finished drawing this random girl with black/blue hair. for some really random reason i wanted to say that!  Leo is my favorite character whats yours?



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