Chapter Two

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Salma groaned when Malik wasn't answering his phone, her heart squeezed in her chest as she watched the call end without being answered. Maybe he was busy, she told herself and promised to call him one last time before going to sleep. When she did, his phone was off.

If he was that close to his phone but couldn't answer, a quick text to say he'll call later or never wouldn't take his life. That was the first thing that came to her mind, but again, she reminded herself like she'd done several times before that maybe what he was doing was probably very important that he couldn't use his phone.

A sigh escaped from her as she collapsed on the bed right when her sister appeared from the wide opened door. 'Do you also think Malik is being toxic to me?' Salma asked Hadiza whom gave her the 'duh' look. 'Of course i do, anyone with brain cells would know that the moment they hear your conversation with that nincompoop'

'Hey! don't call your future brother in-law that'

'Tab! Brother in-law? A'udhu bukalimatillahi tammati min sharri ma khalaq..'

'Keh!' She gave Hadiza a warning look and she retorted with an eye roll.

Hadiza took a bucket from their bathroom and left. Salma's shoulders dropped and thought about what she and her best friend Fatuma talked about. Why is it that she was the only one that sees the goodness in Malik? even Sadiq the nicest guy she'd ever known never liked Malik.

All i wanna be all i ever wanna be yeah yeah is somebody to you...
All i wanna be all i ever wanna be yeah yeah is somebody to you...
Everybody's tryna be a billionaire...
Every time i look at you i j...

She hurriedly reached for her phone thinking it was Malik, all her excitement vanished when it was an unknown number. She hesitantly answered, a part of her hoping it would be Malik behind it. She placed the phone on her ear and said a Salam, the person cleared their throat. Upon hearing a male voice, her hopes went all up. 'Wa Alaikumus Salam, I came to your office earlier today, i hope you remember'

Her shoulders slumped in disappointment but she managed to say 'Plenty people come everyday, can you tell me your name please. I can check...did you book anything?' Her voice dropping with each word she uttered as it painfully sank in her mind that it really wasn't Malik.

'Ah yes, we booked eight hundred plates for two weeks? Does it ring any bell?'

'Oh..I-i remember, how can i help you?' Salma bit her lower lip as her self-confidence dropped by seventy percent when she remembered what happened at her mother's office. 'We're sorry for notifying you about it this late but the wedding date has been moved to this week.'


'The wedding date has been moved to this week so will you still be able to serve us?'

She was silent for a few seconds, contemplating whether they can or not. But she knew her mother or anyone would not reject the amount these people had offered, she found herself saying 'Yes, we will Insha Allah'

'Yeah and name is Adam by the way'

'Ok' it sounded more like a question

She already knew, everyone else knows. Maybe some don't but..his voice cut her thoughts short.

'Great, the wedding prep would begin tomorrow. We'll be expecting you. Thank you'

She waited for him to hang up but he didn't so she did it herself. She was so used to people hanging up on her that it felt a little weird. She proceeded to tell her mother about that day's bookings and got the reactions she never expected even though being yelled at wasn't something new.

'What were you thinking?!' She bellowed from her sitting position on the bed. Salma flinched slightly and looked down at her fingers. 'Who's restaurant is it? Mine or yours?'

'Yours Mummy'

'Then why did you went ahead and make a decision without informing me? What is wrong with you Salma? Who do you think would do all the work. Ke kadai zakiyi kayanki.'

Her mother's fair skin was already red as she fumed with rage. Little things like cutting onions not in equal sizes can make her mother angry. Though she was surprised her mother was pissed at her for doing what she once said was wise, all wasn't really new to her.

That night, Salma went to sleep with an aching heart. She silently wet her pillow with her tears before she drifted into slumber.

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