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Salma knew one thing for a fact, Ali is a nuisance but not the way Adam was. Adam had had no shame of exposing the softer side of him to her and probably anyone else, but for the entire time she'd stayed next door to him in Canada confirmed their inability to get along, maybe forever. It was funny they weren't just meant to spend a few hours sitting next to each other in the plane.

Salma took her time to heal during her early days in Med school, she prayed a lot more than she usually would and was almost frequently on a video call with either Hadiza or Fatuma and sometimes Sadiq when he's with either of the two. She'd missed them.

The dream she always thought went down the drain was finally coming true. It was a week to her graduation, Salma made Fatuma promise she would not miss the most important day of her life, she didn't request the same for Sadiq because he may not be able to due to financial issues and a business he was running on the side that had been keeping him busy.

Luckily, Fatuma quit her job for no logical reason and refused to talk about it. She said the discussion was too heavy to have over the phone, so was free to travel before Salma's family. Salma waited to pick her up at the airport and their reunion was very emotional, the two talked in high-pitched voices that the cab driver has to steal quick glances at them through the mirror, his passengers were speaking a language he had undoubtedly never heard before.

Upon reaching Salma's apartment, their conversation stemmed from Fatuma's comment on the furnishings, she expressed her love for the decor then all the way to their postponed talk about her job. A heavy sigh escaped her mouth as she stared at the chimney across from where she sat on the sofa, she said "Sadiq and I had sorted things out you know it's been four years since we got together"

Salma nodded in understanding, "So, we decided to make things official, we're getting married"

A loud girly scream left Salma's mouth, she stood up held her face blabbering "Oh my Goodness Fatuma you're not kidding are you?"


She screamed again.

"I can't really believe it, oh my God" she turned and walked to and fro the living room, "I can't believe it....Fatuma and Sadiq Awww" she ran her hands down her face. She dropped herself back on the couch next to Fatuma. "I'm so excited I can't wait to see little Fatuma and...Ouch!" She yelped and rubbed her forearm where she's been hit by her friend. "Snap out of it" Fatuma warned.

"I'm not sure if that's what I want though, like marriage you know and like I don't know..you know" she was concerned.

"It's okay to feel this way, it's scary I know but please don't get into something you're not comfortable with. Take your time, it's not a crime"

She pulled Fatuma in for a warm hug, "Thanks babe"

"Say less"

"If you miss my wedding, you know I'd kill you"

"I-" She pulled out of the hug and blink at Fatuma's serious expression, "Whaaat? You know I wouldn't, you two are my best friends"

"Yeah prove you love me by getting me that Louis Vuitton dress I sent you last week" Fatuma smiled sweetly.

"I love you but I can't get into debt for you to change your mind about the dress three days after, and thank you for coming all the way from Nigeria to dupe me" they hugged eachother again.

Salma took Fatuma out for dinner to a restaurant she promised to take her when she sent her photos. They dined merrily and took a ton of pictures of one another. The next day, they had brunch at Salma's favourite bakery and called Sadiq.

Hadiza and her parents arrived a few days later, they went on a lot of shopping mainly because her mother promised her friends some souvenir and wanted to redecorate the restaurant as well. Hadiza was more than excited to see all of Vancouver, it was the best week of their lives.

On the day of her graduation, they took millions of pictures and Salma shed tears of joy when she took a hold of her certificate, she was proud of herself and she had also made her family proud. They took more pictures before her father asked to treat her the most fanciest meal in the city, she knew just the place to take them.

A toast was dedicated to her by Hadiza whom gave a heart warming speech, Salma couldn't stop the tears. She never thought a title would find it's way to her name, because it didn't, she worked her way to it. So much love had been shared around their table. They made her day special, she felt special.

When they reached her apartment, they stumbled upon Ali struggling to unlock his door. Fatuma called on him, exchanged pleasantries with her parents and her father ended up inviting him into their house for some snack after he came to know that Ali has retired for the day and had no plans whatsoever.

He heard noises from her apartment and a lot of giggling at midnight since around ten days ago, he brushed it and resisted the urge to knock on her door and threaten to sue her and her guest for disturbance.

He was uncomfortable around the girl's family even though his cousin was there, Fatuma and him maybe related but their families weren't precisely as close as they used to be. Her father was a kind gentleman and her Mom scared him a bit with her long stares that seemed identical to her sister's.

Fatuma had blended into the family quite well, he was eager to leave as his discomfort sting his bum. He didn't miss the girl glaring at him from the corner of her eyes, he knew it was going to be a long long night.


Finally, here it is my lovelies😘

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