Chapter Fourteen

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Few people have the imagination of reality
--Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749 - 1832)


Salma hadn't been to the restaurant in a very long while, she doesn't like going there and also grew to hate the idea of catering. She no longer entertained the idea of it being the right deal for her and focus on her education instead. She doesn't hate him anymore but totally despised the whole idea of romantic love, it was all a lie.

It was never real and won't ever be real to her, she had to go to the restaurant that Tuesday evening because Sadiq had been bugging her to meet him. He had something very important to discuss with her and since he was a full time employee at the restaurant, he couldn't go over to Salma's place amidst work.

Salma understood, she also needed a cold drink and a nice chat with him. She was alone in the house with Stella, both her parents were at work and Hadiza was still at school because her Neco paper would last till evening.

She unlocked the corolla she used all her money and some of which was given to her by her mother to buy. She was afraid if she spent the money slowly, she would never get over him but a car would be a not-so-painful but good reminder that at some point in her life, she sipped the dumb-bitch-juice. She chased a dude that didn't want her but it wasn't entirely her fault as Fatuma had mentioned.

He went to Salma first, he told her he loved her and also promised to be with her forever so it was only normal for her to believe him, and he broke her heart by ending things with her a few days to his wedding without any solid explanation.

And what hurt her the most was the fact that she had lived most of her life believing he loved her only for him to do what he did, dismissed her presence at his wedding and left her with a broken heart. If someone would tell her a year before that he would do that to her, she would laugh it off and continue imagining her future with him.

That particular thought riled her up even more, because she prioritised him over herself and she know understood what Fatuma, Sadiq and Hadiza had been telling her. She sighed frustratedly and pulled up in the driveway.

As usual she searched for Sadiq with her eyes, he was standing behind the bar table wiping a cup. She sauntered towards him and sat on one of the stools then placed her elbows on the table, she rested her face on her palm. "Salam Alaikum Sadiq" he turned to return her smile.

"Wa Alaikis Salam" he stopped stuttering but he talks a lot slower than before, that should be regarded as progress. She thought.

"So what do you desperately needed to tell me Sadiq?"

He kept the cup and wiped his hands down his sides then began to rub the space between his eyes, she waited for him to speak. "You know the person I told you I like?" She paused for a while then nodded, he blushed and looked down then back to her face again. "I want you to please introduce me to her, I tried talking to her the other day a-and she didn't even notice me" he looked at everything but her.

She lifted her face from her palm, "Who's this girl that swept you off your feet?" She teased and wiggled her eyebrows.

"Fatuma" he said simply and Salma's glasses almost dropped from her nose. "What?! Sadiq? You have a crush on Fatuma?" She stood from the stool and was being overly too dramatic but was trying too hard to not make any noise, it attracted some of the customers' attention.

"For real?" She asked again.

"Uhm so will you?" He tried to hide his smile, "I won't say, until you.." she sat back on the stool and continued "..make me a drink" she winked.

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