Bonus Chapter

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Two years into Sadiq and Fatuma's marriage, they were blessed with a child, a girl, the day she was born was chaotic. Her water broke at a function she was hosting for the Girl child's rights to education, Salma was there to support her. Ali and some of her family members attended the event so rushing her to the hospital was the easy part.

The hard part was when she refused to let anyone touch her, she said Sadiq had to be with her before she delivers Anisa. Sadiq was in Egypt.

There was only so much the nurses could do, they called on her mother to see if she could convince her to give birth. She was risking her life and the baby's. The baby was delivered after a long phone call with Sadiq, Fatuma cried a lot mainly because of the pain she was forcing herself to endure, it was very cliché to everyone but not the couple.

Sadiq promised to be by her side during the delivery, they all thought the baby would come next week but Allah had different plans, there was also a lot of sweet talk that made Salma cringe but the baby was born at last. They named her Anisa, she was cute and looked like her mother but has her grandmother's eyes, Sadiq's Mother.

The naming ceremony took place at their house, Fatuma looked gorgeous in a burgundy Bubu and Salma was rocking her signature look, a black Abaya with 'No makeup' makeup. She was the one that held Anisa through out the entire event, guest could only peek at the baby in her hand.

Salma was quite surprised at what she saw through the kitchen window, she left Anisa with Sadiq so she could grab something for her empty stomach, she was dishing fried noodles on her plate when she saw Ali and Hadiza having a serious conversation and it kinda intimate. Do they know each other like that? And for how long? She smiled to herself.

Although she had been protective of her sister and doesn't want to see her heart get broken, but she trusts her. Salma and Ali may not have been great friends since childhood, she knew Hadiza wasn't the kind to mess with, in short, she was more scared for Ali because he wouldn't be seeing what would be coming. Her smile grew wider at the thought of her childish enemy getting roasted by her baby sister.

She has something to get back at him.

She took her plate to the living room and sat down close to Fatuma. "What got you smiling like that?" She interrupted Salma's thoughts, removing a fabric on Anisa's forehead as she fed her.

"I saw that guy and Hadiza at the backyard"

"Which guy...ooh Ali?"

"Yes, I think they're more than friends"

"My Allah I was dying to tell you but he made me promise not to tell anyone" Fatuma rolled her eyes with a sigh, "So are you allowing it? Like you know...Ali and Hadiza since you two are hell bent on keeping the beef"

"Yes why not, he's like the brother I never asked for. He's been on my neck since we were five"

Salma shrugged and shoved a spoonful of food into her mouth, not knowing the conversation would resurrect a few hours later. Hadiza had pulled her arm to a spare bedroom in the house saying she had something important to discuss with her, Salma already guessed what it was.

She began ranting about her life not going according to her plans and the fact that she had started loving her job, then she finally made what Salma saw earlier, their argument was about Ali wanting to settle down and Hadiza was not ready.

"What?! Ali wants to marry you?!" She exclaimed, she was not faking it. Salma thought their relationship was new.

Hadiza covered her sister's mouth with her palm "Calm down Ya Salma, the guest are still around"

She pushed Hadiza's hand away and said, "For how long have you been seeing eachother? Is he pressuring you cause I swear to God I will-" Hadiza covered her mouth again.

"Wait! Wait!" She made sure Salma was calm before she stepped back and dropped her hands to her side. "We started talking the day after your graduation, you remember after Daddy asked him to come over?"

"Yes of course I remember"

"So we got together and he wants to marry me now and I'm kind of thinking it is too soon" she sighed, Salma stepped forward and held her shoulder, "I won't tell you what to do and what not to, if you're sure he loves you and you love him too then I'll be okay with whatever decision you make about your relationship"

"Thank you sis"

They hugged eachother, they left Fatuma's place a moment later. Salma was happy she lived long enough to see her baby sister get married. She always thought of Hadiza as the child she remembered her parents brought home when she was three. Well that memory was based on the pictures their mother had kept.

Now that baby is all grown.

The water works didn't start until Hadiza was standing in front of her wrapped up in a white silvery veil ready to be taken to her matrimonial home, they hugged eachother like their lives depended on it. She found out about the entire relationship six months before and couldn't believe it was truly happening.

She remembered Ali begging her to help with their situation, she thought he might be too egotistic to ask for her help but he did. She ended up making him apologise for the things he'd done to her in the past, including for throwing slippers on her face when they were kids and also made him call her Yaya Babba. The guy said he will even do more than that if it means getting Hadiza to marry him.

As she expected, she was shamed by some relatives for not being married before her sister, non of it bothered her. She was not going to get married for them she should be doing it for herself, because she wanted to and was ready for it.

She loves herself, non of what other people say about her will change that.


Salam Alaikum everyone 👋🏼

How have y'all been hope we're all good Alhamdulillah. This chapter is dedicated to every single reader that followed up to this point. Thank you Thank you for all the love and support, even those of you that don't comment or vote😘❤. This journey has been great for me and I hope it is the same for you, will forever be grateful for all the love you guys have shown me <3

I will also like if you check my other books, I promise to stay consistent😂

Lots of love
From A❤



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⏰ Last updated: May 01 ⏰

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