Chapter Eight

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It was saturday, her third day of service which also meant that she has only three more days left. With the suprise event making it four, she was counting. On that eventful day, Salma decided to forget to buy the plastic forks for tres leches, which she was so looking forward to impress the family members with. They might have had tres leches from professionals or the French themselves but she knew for sure that hers will blow minds.

But how was she going to impress and blow minds if there's no fork to eat it with? She panicked. She adjusted the veil she wore with her Abaya and looked at Kande, quickly explaining that she had to go and get them. She grabbed her bag from the chair that she usually sits on and left the backyard in a hurry.

Reaching the spot she parked her car, she rummaged through her bag while groaning in frustration. It seemed like her bag always turns into a bottomless pit every time she was looking for something, when she found her keys and unlocked the car, she stepped in only for her to struggle with bringing her beatdown Honda to life.

After several attempts to do so, the car jerked forward and then shutdown again. Salma placed her head on the steering wheel and decided to let the tears fall, but even her dang tears refuse to roll down her eyes. She gave her steering wheel a good punch and she still was the one that got hurt.

She mumble profanities under her breath to step out of her car, she heard an awfully familiar voice saying 'Hajiya, you sure don't have to wrestle with the car' He was standing close, his other hand resting on her car, he smiled.

The guy seemed to love creeping up on her. 'Yes' she replied and he stepped back a few paces for her to lock her car and begin moving.

'Are you going somewhere?' He asked out of innocent curiosity, she turned hesitantly and stared at him while his smile grew wider. 'I can take you' He offered, gesturing towards his sleek black Audi.

Salma swallowed slightly, careful not to make it too obvious and stared deeper into his eyes. Trying to see if he was joking or maybe just anything that would give her an insight of what's truly going on in his head.

'It's totally fine if you don't want me to, I just thought that since your car is not..ugh...I mean broke down and it's kind of hard to find a cab around this area and it seems like you need to run that errand or whatever it is urgently and I don't have anything to do now so I thought I might help...' He rambled, he hated the way her eyes made him uncomfortable.

Salma on the other hand, zoned out after the first few sentences as she was contemplating whether to say no or not. She almost rejected his offer but she wouldn't deny that she needed help. She had been the type to want to appear perfect. 'No I will be fine, thank you' would have been what she would say on a normal day but this wasn't a normal day.

'Okay' she uttered and his eyes widened slightly.

'Is that a yes?' He asked for clarity and she nodded.

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