Chapter Seven

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Salma was more than glad that the gossiping old ladies chose to sit farther away from where she was, that morning. Kande was too. The inhabitants of this magnificent house that screamed nothing but Mystery to Salma, made themselves busy with the brunch she and Kande were there to serve -more like, watch over. Non of them spoke to them, it was almost as if they weren't visible.

But what Salma noticed was the elders had never stepped out to that side of the house, only the youngsters that had divided themselves in cliques which she guessed was based on age groups, chatted away lively at the backyard. Her mind drifted back to when she met six intimidating women at the house, with Safiyya but quickly dismissed the thought as their personal lives wasn't her business. And she also wasn't going to lie to herself about the fact that, their lifestyle was pretty much intriguing.

She sighed deeply and quickly scanned the place with her eyes, spotting her target, she moved her attention back to Kande and told her that she needed to go to the bathroom. Kande nodded and Salma gathered enough confidence to walk towards a girls group that must have been a few years younger than her. She cleared her throat after successfully gaining the whole group's attention.

She settled her eyes on one of them and said, 'Err..can you show me the way to the bathroom please?'

The girl smiled warmly and replied, 'Yeah sure'. She lead the way and Salma tried as hard as possible to memorize the passage ways they've passed through so that next time or for the next few days that she would be there, finding it won't be difficult for her. She thanked the girl and proceeded to do her business.

The bathroom was moderately designed, nothing new to gawk at. But she sure liked the colors of the tiles, burgundy. When she walked out to go back to Kande, she didn't just realise that she had drawned in her thoughts for a while, long enough for her to forget the passage way issue.

She frowned and stumped her foot like a child, 'Oh no!' She murmured to herself knowing she will end up embarrassing herself again. She began moving, taking turn and venturing guesses. She heard laughter from some doors which were closed completely or halfway. In her mind, despite trying hard to ignore anything related to their matters, she still thought of how many they were.

A few minutes later, she found herself in a familiar passage that intersected with another. She was sure that this was were she came through with the girl earlier but she doubted if they came from the right or left. After much thought, and finally decided to head to the first direction that came to her mind, she heard some one say. 'Excuse me' Salma almost gave a sound smile thinking it might be Adam but much to her dismay, it was someone else.

The person smiled down at her, his eyes roved around her face. He thought she might be one of his cousins' friends so he added, 'Are you looking for someone?'

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