Chapter Nine

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"A real man only lies to his woman if it involves surprising her."


Salma couldn't believe her ears, as Kande continued to elaborate what she heard from a woman that couldn't shut her mouth about how Adam brought his girlfriend to the house. Salma was astonished at how the part where she was working her butt off all day long to serve them three meals -though she was paid for it- was totally discarded and replaced with her throwing herself at a guy. In fact, the stories were categorised into two. The first version was that Salma had been desperately trying to get his attention and she had finally seduced him into taking her out.

Salma almost puked at the word 'seduction'.

The second version was that Salma and Adam were long lost boyfriend and girlfriend as they had been spotted by many witnesses spending marvellous times together on several occasions. She squeezed her eyes shut and bit her lower lip, when she opened them, she locked eyes with one of those old ladies that were badmouthing her and Kande the other afternoon.

Dang those gossiping old ladies!

She rolled her fingers into a fist and let her nails dug into her skin while taking a deep breath. She has to be patient, four more days and they might not see her again, ever. She shook her head and dismissed the thought from her head, right when her phone rang before she could utter a word to Kande who had been expecting a reply after she was over with her dramatic narration.

She beheld Malik's number on the screen of her phone. She was so excited to speak to him after a long time that she had instantly forgotten about the false hearsays about her. She grinned at Kande who looked confused at Salma's sudden joyousness.

She excused herself to a more secluded space in the backyard and cleared her throat, with her heart pounding in her chest, she answered the call with a prayer. He answered her but begrudgingly, regardless, she was happy.

"I have something to tell you" he went on, without bothering to ask how she was, Salma was already used to that so she began to rake her mind to find and give herself a reasonable excuse for his behaviour.

She decided that maybe it is a good idea to make their relationship less boring, "Oh...Malik, don't you miss me? I understand you've been busy with work and can't make time for us, it's fine. I know you love me too much to forget that our anniversary is in two weeks time. Oh my God, does that mean you were planning a surprise for me..that's why you haven't been calling wasn't..." she rambled but before she could finish her sentence he barked.


She had to move the phone away from her ear and jerked slightly. "Just Stop Talking!" He yelled and tears welled up in her eyes, that was new. He had never yelled at her before why now, did she do something wrong? Was he punishing her for it all that while?

She heard him sigh then hiss slightly out of irritation. "From now on...there is no us Salma. I'm breaking up with you"

"If you're joking, it's not funny Malik"

"Why are you so...birdbrained?" As much as he doesn't want to regard her with offensive words, the girl was getting on his nerves.

"Malik" She whispered.

"It's over, Salma" and he was dead serious.

"How could you do this to me? You promised to be with me forev..."

"That was then"

"And I love you" her voice began to crack.

"Well you need to stop, there's no need for that anymore" It was then she believed that it was really over. He was the man she had grown to attach every aspect of her life to. She had mentally built her future around him and she thought he was the one that would offer her the love, happiness and emotional comfort that had been missing in her life.

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