Chapter Eleven

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"Having someone understand your mind is a whole different kind of intimacy. The vibration is magical."


"No! No! I will not wear that one" she stepped back raising her hand, as if the beauty of the garment Fatuma was holding might blind or harm her. "Why not? It is so Masha Allah" the more she moved closer to Salma the more she stepped farther away.

"It's too fancy, I don't like fancy things" she tried to find a reasonable excuse as to why she doesn't want to dress up for her first event service, in fact she was eager to get it over with. It's been just four days and she had seen enough drama already, plus Adam's family are a little bit away from regular.

"Come on, dress up" Fatuma sighed and dropped her hands to her sides.

"No" Salma continued to protest, right when Hadiza yelled "Hello losers" and sent the door to the room flying, when she was met with their steady intent looks, she gasped then quickly pointed at her phone and mouthed "I'm talking to my friends" then dropped her bag on the bed and rushed out. And they were back to business.

"I have a lot to get done from now to tomorrow by 5, the last thing I should be doing right now is arguing with you about whether I should be wearing a ridiculously expensive Abaya and makeup to an event...where the man that hired you even hates you" she trailed.

"Relax, he doesn't hate you. Even if he does that shouldn't stop you from making yourself prettier, for yourself" she added more emphasis on the last two words to make sure it sinks into Salma's head.


Fatuma placed the dress on the bed and strode to where Salma glued herself to the wall, dramatically. She folded her arms against her chest and shifted her weight to her left foot, "Imagine if the president stopped wearing a sixty million dollar slippers and confidently walks out to address the citizens because they always throw shade at everything he does even when they don't know what he was originally going through..who knows? He might be exhausting every last bit of his energy to make sure chibok girls are no longer being abducted? Who knows if the opposing parties were paying people on social media to spit much nonsense? No body knows anything about anyone better that that person themselves. And by God I love that man" she rambled in one breath.

"What does my issue has to do with the president?" Salma queried slowly, admiring her friend's courage to have such thoughts. If only she could be as confident and assertive.

"You're missing the point"

"Yes, I don't want to dress up and I don't know how the president became a part of this conversation"

"Ugh..Salma I'll be here waiting for you tomorrow Insha Allah at 5pm sharp and you will wear that dress and look good for yourself, who knows you might get more clients from that one event. Remember, Maa always tells us that first impression matters" she added refering to Salma's mother.

Fatuma grabbed her bag and veil from the bed and gave Salma one last look before saying her goodbye, briefly explaining why she had to go back home early. Salma sighed after Fatuma had shut the door and slide down to the ground, she leaned her head on the wall and covered her feet with the hijab she was wearing and closed her eyes.

Tears started to roll down her face as the memories she had of Malik flashed in her mind. She loved that man, she did with every fibre of her being. No amount of glowing up will change the fact that she was hurting and he broke her, or maybe she was the one that was breaking herself by constantly reminding herself that he loved her when he had already shown her a thousand times that he doesn't.

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