Chapter Six

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With the help of some workers in the house, Salma was able to put the emptied trays, ceramic plates, and some of the warmers that they were able to squeeze, into the trunk and backseat of her car. She dropped Kande off at a junction around the corner of her house and then drove off to Fatuma's house.

They hadn't seen eachother since the day she gave her a long lecture and almost pleaded with her to get out of whatever it was she has with Malik. Like always, it landed on deaf ears. She exchanged pleasantries with Fatuma's mother, them proceeded to the stairs and only called on her friend when she was at the top of the stairs.


She used the name only her mother calls her with, knowing fully how much she hates it. She heard her groan from her room which was slightly open. She appeared with a dress that stopped an inch below her knees, the hijab she was wearing was shorter than the dress. Her legs were literally on display.

'Say that again and I swear to God..' She threatened playfully.

'What? What are you going to do?' Salma challenged her only friend.

'Just shut up!' She rolled her eyes and they moved further into the room. Salma dropped herself tiredly on the bed and stretched while Fatuma also sat next to her and began, 'I thought you cut me off because of that son of a bachelor'

'Stop being ridiculous fatuma, why will I ever? You both are precious to me'

'Of course I know I'm precious to you but him..just eewww!' She rolled her eyes and sighed with a heavy heart. She only wanted the best for Salma whom is now like a sister to her, she often wondered if the guy didn't cast a spell on her. How could she be so blinded by whatever unhealthy attachment she had with him.

'Fatuma..' Salma whined with her voice lowered.

'Alright how is your business going on? How did it go with these 'mysterious' rich people' Fatuma quoted and changed the topic of discussion.

'I honestly can't say anything since this is my first day of being independent but we will see..' She stood up saying she needs to pray Isha before going back home. Fatuma complained how Salma never stays long at her house which led the two into full blown argument on who visits the other more frequently.

Their childish argument ended with laughter and they recounted some of the embarrassing things they did in eachother's houses and during their countless sleep overs. She walked her to her car and Salma left the house, after they promised to call eachother the next day.

She spent too much time clearing her car and taking everything to the backyard where Stella was ready to help her wash them up. Hadiza was busy being a couch potato so Salma knew better than to ask for a hand, the girl has a weird personality and is hard to get along with. One minute she is all nice and helping Salma up and down then the next minute, she's brooding.

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