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    Ok this one just came to me so I had to write it down. Basically, I was thinking if the ninja were in the Avatar: Last Airbender universe what bender would they be. (and ya I know it's pretty explanatory that Kai is probably and fire-bender derp)  But I want to do the other elements as well... want to know what I mean? keep reading cause here ya go...

Kai: (Firebender) As I said the main ninja are pretty self-explanatory, gifted with firebending Kai has the ability to learn Lightning bending but his hot temper and his lack of patience causes him to never learn, but with the help of Wu, he learned lightning redirection. (My thought with Kai not being able to lightning bend considering it's a sub-element of fire is like Zuko, where his mind isn't focused or clear enough to concentrate lightning, but also like Zuko he can redirect lightning)

Cole: (Earthbender) Cole is a very gifted earthbender and thanks to his training from master Wu he was able to learn seismic sense making him an even more powerful earthbender. (Cole is clearly an earthbender, but I think that he would have a harder time learning metalbending and with practice, he might be able to learn it, but with seismic sense, it's definitely something Wu would teach him.)

Jay: (Firebender) While Jay can firebend he prefers the sub-element of lightning bending, this form of bending came easier to him than it does most benders making him one of the best lightning benders. (Saying Jay is a firebender was funny to me but lightning is a sub-element of fire, so taking my inspiration from Azula and her use of lightning I decided that lightning bending is Jay's preferred bending style)

Zane: (Waterbender) While Zane is a waterbender he much prefers and is very well trained in the sub-element of ice, sometimes he and Nya will practice together to learn new bending forms that compliment both water and ice. (Since Ice isn't its own element, he had to be a waterbender, but like with Katara he learned Ice bending early on and favors it as his preferred bending style)

Nya: (Waterbender) As a waterbender there are many sub-elements of bending, but they never came to her naturally, she has some skill with ice bending thanks to Zane, but she never really got the hold of the other forms. Well, she knows some bloodbending but Wu is against so she refrains from doing it. (Once more obvious, Nya the master of water is definitely a waterbender)

Lloyd: (The Avatar) As the avatar Lloyd can bend all four elements but he is also very skilled in energybending a sub-element that the avatar is able to do. All the other ninja helped him learn and master each element, they are also trying to teach him some of the sub-elements but some are harder than others. Thanks to them he can redirect lightning, ice bend, and can do seismic sense. (Energybending is something Aang does so since Lloyd is the master of energy plus also the golden (chosen one) ninja, he was definitely the avatar.)

Morro:(Airbender) Morro is a master airbender being one of the best plus he possesses a very strong connection to the spirit world which his old master Wu taught him. He possesses an even stronger spiritual connection than Lloyd does as the avatar. (Obviously, Morro had to be an airbender since he's the master of air, but I wanted to go along with him as a ghost so I decided he would be very spiritually connected which is honestly so perfect)

Skylor: (Avatar)  As an avatar Skylor not only learned the other elements but she's fascinated with the many and various sub-elements and spends the majority of her life learning and perfecting as many of the sub-elements as she can. Some come harder to her especially the rarer the element gets plus with her earthly attachments, she isn't very connected to spirits let alone be able to fly. (Yes I am aware I made Lloyd that avatar because he is definitely the avatar but I think that Skylor would either be the avatar before or after Lloyd since she is the master of Amber which means she can borrow other elements I thought of this)

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