Kai: something that breaks Kai is witnessing his family or those he considers his family get hurt. after taking care of Nya for most of his life he has placed it upon himself to take care of her no matter how many years go by. Once he met the Ninja he saw them as his family and as he did with Nya Kai placed himself in charge of taking care of them. He doesn't tell anyone this and tries not to show it, but whenever anything bad happens to anyone he blames himself and will do anything to make it better. And if he can't fix something like when Lloyd lost Garamdon. Kai's main goal was to help Lloyd the best way he could.
Cole: for his entire life never knew where he was going, all he ever knew was that he didn't want to be a dancer like his dad but he never wanted to disappoint his dad either that's why he pretended to be going to the dancing school even though he wasn't. Though he doesn't want to disappoint his dad, he always wants to be his own person even if that means not doing what his dad wants. Cole always feels lonely or unsure at times even when he's with the ninja that maybe he isn't who he's meant to be that maybe he should have gone to the dance school, or that maybe he shouldn't have been a ninja especially when he became a ghost. but the ninja always makes him realize that he loves being a ninja and loves protecting Ninjago but he still always gets that feeling that he doesn't belong and that he doesn't even know who he really is.
Jay: everyone has the fear of failure all the ninja do but, something that absolutely wrecks Jay is when one of his inventions fails. and as how self-absorbed or cheesy that may sound. Jay really can't take it when an invention breaks or never starts. His parents Ed and Edna have always been so supportive of him and his creative inventions and whenever other kids or adults made fun of him or his creations his parents would always stand by him and say that he was always going to create something great one day. and that inspired him to make the most amazing and out there inventions to show his parents that they were right and that their son could create great things. but, whenever he fails he feels as though he let them down and that he's not that great of a son because they had such hopes and dreams for him and he felt as though he was failing them and, the idea of failing them breaks his heart that he isn't enough for them or that they should have had another son or daughter that was better.
Lloyd: like how Kai has put such a burden upon himself to protect his family, Lloyd has placed it upon himself to save Ninjago. Though Wu has told him he can't do everything alone and that they need to work together Lloyd still feels like at the end of the day he is the one who is supposed to protect everyone and that if they fail it's his fault. When Lloyd fails or messes up and the other ninja clean up his mess he feels like an utter failure and that he has to do better if he's the golden ninja. though everyone tells him that they are teammates and that the responsibility is on all of them, Lloyd still believes that the weight of the world relies on him.
Zane: has lost his memory at least twice and even after he gets it restored it tears him apart on how easy it is for him to forget everything he cares about as if it were nothing. each time he regains his memory after losing it makes him feel horrible inside and like he doesn't deserve the family he has because he's not human and unlike everyone else, he forgets them too easily and far too frequently. he doesn't often question his belonging with them but every now and again he fears he might forget them entirely and there will be no way to restore his memory.
Nya: feels broken and lost when she fails, and not just the "Oh I wasn't good at basketball" kind of failure but, the kind where she was supposed to help someone and failed, and watching others suffer because she wasn't good enough tears her apart. when she puts her stubbornness first (6th season) and they all get wrapped up in defeating Nadakhan and getting everyone trapped in the sword, she feels horrible that she caused so much pain because she failed at putting her own stubbornness aside to help the greater good and everyone suffered from it.
Wow, I'm so sorry @Chaotic-Gayro I feel horrible I took way too long to make this and once I did make it I felt like these weren't that great so I was hesitant about posting them but, every day I spent thinking of new ways to break the ninja and not coming up with an idea I felt worse because that left you waiting.
So I finally decided to publish these after hours and hours of doubt about them being good. If anyone has any other ideas about what breaks the ninja I would absolutely love to hear because I still don't feel amazing about this bunch.
If you have any suggestions for headcanons let me know in the comments and I will make that headcanon just for you. I will tag you in it to make sure you see it. I will accept at this point any headcanon requests or suggestions.
And if anyone wants me to make a headcanon for a special character even if I already did the headcanon before I can do that, like if you want me to do the patronus of Garamadon, Misako, or Wu. I can totally do that as well.

Ninjago Head Canons
FanfictionThe title says it all a bunch of Ninjago headcanons (REQUESTS OPEN) UPDATE: I'm just going through and editing the formatting and adding some more to a couple of the Headcanons, only minor things just to make it more interesting and easy to read. T...