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I've been gone so long so I decided to make up for it I would do a quick headcanon for my favorite ninjas!

Lloyd: Introvert- Lloyd is an introvert, I feel at times he goes out of his way to be more sociable, like trying to make friends, and be friendly and open to people especially as the Green Ninja he should seem approachable. However, he loves being alone and doing his own thing without disruptions or people. Certainly, he has his people such as the other ninja that he enjoys spending his time with and is happy having those quiet recharge moments with the other ninja but he's also completely comfortable being alone.  

Zane: Introvert- Zane is also totally an introvert. Even back in the early years of being a ninja, he did want to join in with the others and he joins in with them now, but to recharge (not as a nindroid) quiet moments alone are his ideal situations. He is found alone more often than any of the other ninja and he doesn't mind it. He obviously loves the other ninja and enjoys his moments with all of them but when his social meter is low, some quiet alone time is his go-to.

Cole: Omnivert- This one took me some thinking, I originally landed on extrovert but then @-_DR3AM_- told me about omniverts so after some research I think that Cole would be an omnivert, he can totally be awkward at times and come off as the quiet type in some situations but he's also very sociable. Like with the school kids on the bus, whenever he's around helping people he often takes charge of the situations and has no issues with socializing. He doesn't spend that much time alone he's happy to be with someone, I'd say one-on-one contact his is a favorite way to bond with people because he spends a lot of time with his friends with one-on-one situations always reaching out. He does spend time alone like when he was learning to turn invisible as a ghost but he likes being with people especially his people which is why an omnivert I think really works for him.

Kai: Extrovert- Kai is the king of all extroverts he is loud and proud and he wants to socialize with everyone within a ten-mile radius or farther if he has access to his phone. He thrives with large social groups and really comes alive when he's with the whole team, he spends hardly any time alone and when he does it's hardly enjoyable and is usually correlated with self-punishment especially when he messes up. When he's down or needs me time it's the rest of the ninja and people that he goes to because its people that bring him joy in life and he wants to almost always be around them.

Jay: Ambivert - Jay strikes me as someone who wants to be as social as like Kai but it gets to the point where he needs some social recharge. He loves people and socializing with them by talking or cracking jokes but he can get overstimulated and in those situations, he wants to just take a step back, away from the people and the noise. Instead go to a separate place tinker around, build, or fix something. Focus his attention on something else that's for him before rejoining the crowds. However, when it comes to the other ninja he rarely gets over-socialized and can nearly be with them all the time, sometimes there is something called too much family time but overall these are the people he feels the most comfortable with and they can even help recharge his social meter especially if they're tinkering with him.

Nya: Introvert- Nya is not an extrovert like her brother, she prefers to be alone the majority of the time. She's a one women army, who can take care of herself and thrives on solidarity. However, she loves her brother and the rest of the ninja greatly. When she feels like socializing she will always go to the other ninja to spend time with them, they're the people that she loves and trusts and wants to spend her time with. But she can get tired and overstimulated while being with them and when that happens she just returns to her own room, cave, workshop, etc where she happily resumes some quiet alone time and recharges.

Well, there's my headcanon, let me know what you all think, if you agree or disagree and as always I love requests so if you ever have any ideas just let me know and I'll happily do them!

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