Favorite Swearword

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I was reading a fic the other day that had Zane swear along with the rest of the ninja and it got me thinking on what would their favorite swear word be. I dunno I get inspiration from weird things sometimes xD

Anyway I hope you enjoy and let me know what you guys think!

Lloyd: The Hell- I can't explain it but for Lloyd, I can hear his voice saying this, I dunno if it's just me or if you guys can hear it too. But like It's just feels so Lloyd to me. I imagine that he swears every once in a while,  that when he was younger he did it a lot because "evil" and was scolded by the ninja cause he was a child. As he got older he kinda fell out of it cause it never really was natural for him, but whenever the situation arises or something dumb happens "The hell" is his first and natural response.

Zane: Dangnabbit- I like to imagine that Dr Julian didn't include swearing into Zane's vocabulary so swearing literally doesn't come naturally to him. The rest of the ninja Kai and Jay especially went out of their way to teach Zane all the swearwords they knew so as to formally educate him as they said. Though after learning all the swearwords he never really had the need nor want to say them, however, he found out about other swears that weren't really sworn such as Dangnabbit, and rest assured he found it most entertaining when the ninja thought he was about to swear but he just said dangnabbit instead. It got to the point where it became his go-to when the situation arrived.

Nya: Asshat & Balls & Bullshit- I don't know how to explain it, but these all make sense. I can see this girl working on her mechs and other amazing designs as words like "balls and Asshat" slip out whenever she gets annoyed or frustrated. Also Bullshit is totally something she'd say whenever anyone tells her something she doesn't agree with. Ronin is giving her some crap she just calls bullshit and goes on about her day.  Kai is trying to trick her into making him something or to do something, but she just says bullshit and wins the discussion. I just might be explaining this badly, but in my mind it just makes sense.

Jay: Shit- I imagine that Jay swears but he uses it nearly purely for comedic reasons, cause sometimes an added swear can really just make the joke funnier. Also kinda like Nya, I can see him tinkering and working on stuff and whenever his clumsiness shows through you can hear an under-the-breath "shit" slip out as he tries to fix his mess up.

Cole: Dammit/Damn it- Again, I'm not sure how to explain why this feels right but it does, it just does. Kinda like with Lloyd, I can hear Cole saying this in his voice. I don't see him swearing a lot, every once in a while or when the situation arises, but overall it's not something he does often. He mostly says Dammit/Damn it when something goes wrong, like he burns the food, when there's a new enemy, when he messes up his attack, when he's playing a videogame, etc.

Kai: Fuck- I don't even feel like I need to explain this one I think we can basically all agree that Kai definitely says fuck. Like hands down, no hesitation at all. If he was on the swearing alignment chart meme he would be the "regularly says fuck" and I just think that it makes the most sense. At the same time, I feel like he says it so much that it loses most of its severe meaning that he just says it for nearly almost anything sometimes the other ninja teases him for always saying it.

Sensei Wu: Dumbass- okay but like.... does this make sense to anyone but me?  Wu wouldn't be the type to swear often or profusely or anything so whenever he does the ninja know something serious is going down. Unless... its the word dumbass, that is the one swear word the Wu uses often enough and it's usually in a teasing, poke fun form of manner. When the ninja are training and do something stupid whether on purpose or not Wu would be like "Don't be a dumbass" or "I didn't know it was dumbass hour" I also imagine him mumbling when someone does something that is just so awkward or bad. Like sees Jay and Kai 'fighting' he'd just be like "dumbasses." They're going against an enemy and they're trying to threaten Wu and he just calls em "Dumbass" before kicking their butt. Like I know I'm explaining this probably too much, but does this make sense?

I think I had too much fun with this, I basically just went through and tried to think of scenarios that would warrant the ninja swearing and then what would be their choice swear. I dunno maybe this is weird but I had fun xD

I honestly felt like this guy the entire time I was explaining this...

I honestly felt like this guy the entire time I was explaining this

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Anyways as always friends, tell me what you think. Do you agree, or disagree, is there a swear word that I missed that would fit better? Let me know cause I love hearing from ya, and of course, requests are open.

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