it's no secret that Cole's favorite dessert is cake in fact his favorite food is cake from chocolate, vanilla, strawberry, coffee, and even carrot cake he loves all cakes but his all-time favorite cake is a triple chocolate strawberry fudge cake it's so rich and chocolatey that most of the ninja won't even take a bite because it's so sweet.Lloyd:
Once again as you might have guessed its candy Lloyd loves candy just the sweetness of it makes him instantly happy and he can eat tons of candy he has a giant sweet tooth but, his favorite candy is Snickers even though they are delicious he likes to pretend he's in on of the commercials.Zane:
Loves ice cream he can eat as much as he likes and never gets a brain freeze, he even has a record for eating the most ice cream without a brain freeze, Jay has tried the most to beat the record but never even gets close.Kai:
Really likes Cheesecake, he likes to go to restaurants and get big slices of cheesecake without sharing and sometimes it can take him almost half an hour to decide on one cheesecake flavor.Jay:
Cotton candy as he says makes him feel young because it reminds him of all the times his mom and dad took him to Mega Monster Amusement Park when he was a kid. He loves any kind of cotton candy, he's down to try any flavor, but his favorite is always Blue Raspberry, even if its not a real fruit.Nya:
Nya loves smoothies. She is always in the mood for a nice cool smoothie no matter the weather or the occasion. She likes the vegetables ones when she needs more greens, she loves fruit ones when she's looking for some cool, but she also loves ones with yogurt and chunks of fruit and oatmeal when she wants more of a dessert.

Ninjago Head Canons
FanfictionThe title says it all a bunch of Ninjago headcanons (REQUESTS OPEN) UPDATE: I'm just going through and editing the formatting and adding some more to a couple of the Headcanons, only minor things just to make it more interesting and easy to read. T...