Requested by @slimegod2278
Suilad kinsfolk! I'm excited to share with you this head canon and I will not deny it was hard! Because the ships folks, the ships.
So I did my best not to let my personal ship thoughts dictate the headcanon when deciding this, instead, I tried my best to base my headcanon on what I've seen in the show.
So obviously you can disagree and if you do tell me! I want to know what you think.
Anyway, let's get to the headcanon...
Kai: Bisexual
Here's my reasoning... it's very evident that Kai is in fact attracted to women within the show, but my greenflame shipping heart notices the way Kai is with Lloyd and vice versa and while one could argue it's strictly platonic between the two, I agree that it was originally but grew further than that as the show progressed.
So while Kai may make it very obvious that he's attracted to women, he also is attracted to men, or more specifically Lloyd. So overall I'd say that he is attracted to women more than he is to men but when a certain guy comes around (ahem Lloyd) he can't help himself.Cole: Bisexual/Gay
Ok, this one was really hard to actually decide, and here's why. Cole never really shows strong romantic actions towards anyone I feel like. And yes one could argue he did with Nya, I still stand by that it was forced by the creators for a cliche love triangle that Cole never really had a romantic interest in Nya and that the two always shared a close platonic relationship.
And yes I know this is a bit biased as a major glaciershipping shipper (like Ninjago OTP guys) but other than Nya, Cole is really close with Zane. Way closer than he is with the other ninja. They're touching all the time (ok maybe I'm exaggerating a bit) even in the movie the two were nearly always touching guys leaning against each other, not caring about Personal bubbles, I mean I feel like overall Cole is gay (especially for Zane! Sorry) and the only reason I even thought about him being bi is because of the whole Nya fiasco.Zane: Pansexual
Like I said with Cole above, the two are very close, and touchy with each other hence why it's so easy for me to ship them. I'd say Zane probably/most definitely is attracted to Cole but he is also attracted to P.I.X.A.L which I have to admit I also ship. (I'm a multi-shipper I can't help myself) and the reason I didn't say he was bi was because I feel like when it comes to Zane he cares either little or none about the gender of the people he loves with both cases of Cole and P.I.X.A.L he fell in love with them for who they were as people (and nindroid) that really he would date anyone of any gender as long as he loved who they were as people/nindroid. So I think Zane is pansexual.Lloyd: Bisexual
This one I was a bit begrudging on, originally I decided he was gay (especially for my boy Kai) but then I remembered Harumi exists. I was so ready to say Lloyd is gay and that he loves Kai but then I actually you knew gave it actual thought instead of thinking with only emotions and recalled Harumi and I realized "Dang boy ain't gay" but I still stand by my thoughts that Lloyd and Kai are a couple. I mean going through all these seasons and Lloyd never shows any interest in any girls and I'm not exaggerating but he is noticeably really close with Kai which is why I really thought the boy was gay. Then I recalled how quickly he fell for Harumi and it completely ruined my ship.
So because of Lloyd and Harumi's whole thing, I can't say he's gay but I will not ignore the greenflame affections and signs so I guess I say Lloyd is Bi.Jay: Straight
Ok so I do sorta get gay vibes from Cole and Jay but I feel that the vibes are strongest in Cole's part and not really Jay's. Obviously, Jay is madly in love with Nya and doesn't show any intention of being with anyone else so it's a little harder for me to really see if the boy isn't as straight as I presume. The guy is just so loyal to Nya that he doesn't give off flirting vibes with really anyone else in the show and because of that I feel he's probably straight, though I did consider Bi just because he and Cole do have some moments together but like I said previously I feel that's more of Cole's actions then Jay's.Nya: Bicurious
Ok so Nya is probs straight but... before I jumped the gun I obviously gave it some thought and while Nya shows the strongest and most evident attraction towards men I.e. Jay and Cole; I can't help but think that she may be a bit curious about women in a not so platonic way. And while I can't think of any exact example I always got really strong bi vibes with Nya and Skylor even though I would say Skylor is attracted to Kai and probably never thought of Nya that way. I think that perhaps Nya has those thoughts towards Skylor, so maybe Nya is mostly attracted towards men but she is curious about maybe dating women especially strong-minded and tough women like herself.Ok, so here's my thoughts! Tell me what cha think... do you agree? Disagree! I wanna know if discussing headcanons is part of the fun of this book. And as always my kinsfolk requests are open and highly desired!!! I love requests it triggers my brain to think and I just love doing stuff you all like. so please if you have a request... ask! Namarie!

Ninjago Head Canons
FanfictionThe title says it all a bunch of Ninjago headcanons (REQUESTS OPEN) UPDATE: I'm just going through and editing the formatting and adding some more to a couple of the Headcanons, only minor things just to make it more interesting and easy to read. T...