In a previous chapter, I had done their favorite seasons and it inspired me to discuss and theorize their favorite type of weather. So with that, this is my headcanon on what their favorite weather is...
Cole: Cole's love for fall results in his favorite weather being when it's slightly cloudy but enough sun is out that the weather isn't freezing. There's a light breeze mixed with the sun and the weather feels perfect. Not overheating and not freezing, making it good weather for a light hoodie.
Zane: Feeling at home in the coldest of temperatures, Zane really likes heavy blizzards. No one is around cause they're all inside, there is heavy snow, and it's as white as far as the eye can see, and considering he's a nindroid he can see pretty far. While the other ninja don't like the weather even close to this, Zane can find peace and quiet simply sitting outside as the snow comes down.
Kai: Loves it when the temps run high! When it feels like your sandals will melt on the pavement and not even the insects can be found is what Kai loves best. As mentioned, he doesn't overheat like others and never burns, he loves vibing outside with his sunglasses on taking in all the sun without a single cloud in the sky.
Nya: Like Zane, Nya also likes the cold, she never really liked the heat like her brother and if it got hot she'd head straight for the water to cool down or find some shade. But her favorite weather is when the sky is pure white after freshly fallen snow. Especially the moment when it is still falling and no one has disturbed the snow yet and it lays untouched, it's her favorite weather.
Jay: Jay loves the spring and with spring comes sun showers, and light thunderstorms. Jat doesn't like any extreme weather but he does like falling asleep to the sound of rain and quiet thunder in the distance, he finds it quite soothing. He's been known to still be outside when it starts to rain because he doesn't mind the light raindrops, however, if it gets too powerful of a storm he gets uncomfortable and wishes for it to go back to being calm.
Lloyd: Loves a calm spring morning, when there is a slight breeze so he can smell all the new blooms and blossoms, with the sun out bright and warm with a couple of white clouds in the sky where he can find shapes in them.
I know I've been MIA for a bit, I've been writing a Ninjago fic for months now and I'm making some real progress which is really exciting, however, it's been leaving me distracted from my headcanons. That doesn't mean I don't still come back for the comments or if anyone has any requests, cause those are still open, but without requests I update a lot slower. I hope you liked this update and if not, let me know what you think!

Ninjago Head Canons
Fiksi PenggemarThe title says it all a bunch of Ninjago headcanons (REQUESTS OPEN) UPDATE: I'm just going through and editing the formatting and adding some more to a couple of the Headcanons, only minor things just to make it more interesting and easy to read. T...