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So I was recently on a road trip so it made me wonder what the ninja would do on a road trip so voila!

Cole: would totally be the driver, he enjoys the long roads out before. He and Kai would most likely spend a lot of time fighting over who gets to pick the music. With Cole's soft rock and Kai's more popular and upbeat music until Jay starts up a game to distract them all.

Lloyd: totally gets car sick and because of that he spends a lot of the trip sleeping or staring out the window daydreaming. He tends to put headphones on so as too not to listen to the music bicker.

Zane: snack police, he makes sure that everyone gets snacks and that Cole doesn't get more than his share, he also makes sure to bring one of each of the ninja's favorite snack foods. When Cole gets tired he'll take over as driver, but Cole will try to hold onto the wheel as long as he can. (Cole and Zane in the front fuels my glaciershipping heart im sorry)
And when everyone in the back falls asleep Cole and Zane will just talk and hold hands while Cole's driving (I think I just had a heart attack imaging this because it's too pure! I need to write this as a fic or something)

Kai: fights for the passenger seat every time but always loses to Zane who claims the front to switch with Cole and to pass out snacks but that doesn't stop him from changing the music throughout the trip. He's a total singing-in-the-car dude, he will blare his music and sing loud and proud no matter what seat he's in. Nya and Jay often join and most of the time he'll get the whole car singing with him.

Nya: always joins in with Kai's singing and usually sits next to Jay. Nya definitely tries to stay awake throughout the entire trip and she often does but sometimes she'll fall asleep along with Jay and Lloyd. And when she's not playing games or singing with Kai, she'll read books, magazines, or comics in the car with headphones in.

Jay: always starts up the games: eye spy, mad libs, would you rather, finish the sentence, etc. This helps distract all from their bickering over the music. And they all enjoy playing even Lloyd will let himself get a bit carsick to focus on Jay's game. When Jay's tuckered out he'll fall asleep usually on whoever's shoulder is closer which is why Nya has tried to almost always sit next to him.

I may have gotten too excited about road trip glaciershipping while writing this, sorry 😄
As always if you want me to do any other characters let me know! I love doing this, and please drop the requests they give me LIFE!!!

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