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It was 4 hours when the shooting of the series finally ended. As always, there were no doubles, after all Bolt was a very good actor, despite the fact that he knew that it was only a series and had nothing to do with reality.

After the shooting, the girl and the dog went to the room where they were stripped of all the accessories they had on their bodies.

"Great job Bolt, you did as good a job as ever" praised Penny to her dog as the make-up artist washed away her hair which had debris in it from the walls knocked down in the film. Bolt was also being rinsed of the dirt that had accidentally clung to his pristine white fur.

Meanwhile, in another room, the director, along with cameramen, cinematographers and others who performed other functions, were looking at the footage and assessing the quality of the footage.

"I said there was no need to pay so much attention to the dog philosophy," remarked Mindy standing next to the director.

"I don't know how, but that dog knows how to behave in a situation... It's like he understands what we're saying to him" replied the man fascinated by each subsequent frame of the film. After all, no wonder, it's his own creation.

"No, he just has a very good owner" replied Mindy.

"Maybe... On another note, how are the viewing figures? Have they improved?" the man asked. The woman reached for the folder she held in her right hand. She opened it, flipped through a few pages, only to stop at one.

"It's gone up a bit... Better for you," the woman chuckled, then left the room.

"Alright, edit it asap and we've got a week to get the scene ready" the man said taking a stack of cards in his hand, then also left the room. He continued walking along the corridor to enter the room where the wonders of makeup were happening.

"Can I have a moment?" the man asked as he stepped inside.

"Yes," replied Penny inviting her guest inside. Her hair had just dried as well as Bolt's fur. They were both ready to leave the room.

"You played today as you always do, great! Here you have the script for the week, read it familiarize yourself, remember..."

"That we play without doubles... We know, you say it every week" finished Penny taking the cards from the man.

"Indeed we do..." replied the man walking Penny and Bolt all the way to the car.

"Have fun and be ready" saluted the man, after which the girl and the dog got into the car.

There was a quiet atmosphere during the drive home. Bolt and Penny looked out of the window to admire the unusually red sunset. The sky had turned from blue to blood red. The sun was slowly hiding behind the horizon sending out its last rays.

"A beautiful evening isn't it?" asked Penny's mother also admiring the view.

"That's right," replied Penny. Stroking Lightning who tried to stick his head out of the window but couldn't as it was closed.

"No Bolt, it's starting to get cold already, I don't want you to get sick." informed Penny pulling her pet away from the window.

Meanwhile, Mittens and Rhino were lazily spending the time sitting on the couch and flipping through the channels choosing what they would watch.

"There's nothing interesting," Mittens stated after flipping through all the channels, then laid back down.

"You can't appreciate the magic of television" wheezed Rhino taking the remote, which eventually went into Mittens' paws. After a few rewinds the hamster giggled turning up the TV.

Bolt: JealousyWhere stories live. Discover now