The letter

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Bolt to enter Penny's room lightly pushed the white door with his dark nose to allow himself passage. When he entered her room, he noticed how she was lying on the bed, on her sheets. She had headphones in her ears and, looking up at the ceiling, sighed from time to time. She was heavily pensive and Bolt managed to notice this. On the one hand he was relieved, he thought Penny was going to cry, but luckily that wasn't the case. . On the other, however, he wondered if he should leave the room, he entered it so quietly that even Penny didn't hear him.

"'I don't want to disturb her' thought Bolt as he sat outside the door and waited for the girl to realise he was with her. It was raining outside the window, it was helping to put her in an even more depressing mood. Bolt knew this because when the girl was sad she always did that without knowing why. When the song ended in her headphones, Penny turned on her side, right in front of Bolt's face. Before the dog had time to react in any way, Penny growled angrily, then turned to the other side, towards the window. She took off one of her headphones and looked at something on her phone as if it were nothing. Bolt, however, wasn't going to give up in this situation, he quietly walked over to the bed and, getting up on two paws, rested his front paws on Penny's body delicately poking it so she wouldn't get scared.

"Go away," sighed Penny pushing the dog's paws off her body. Despite this failed attempt, Bolt decided to use the final and most risky method. He walked around the bed and then stopped right behind Penny's phone. He started poking it with his nose to get the girl to pay attention to him.

"What do you want?" asked Penny lowering her hand with the phone to look at the dog with a sad expression on her face (he made the same face when he collected food at the campsite). Penny, seeing his pleading face, put the phone down on the bed, staring into Bolt's eyes with sadness. This method works. He managed to make sincere contact with Penny. Sincere contact for a very long time.

"Bolt, why have you become like this... What's gotten into you" Penny sighed staring at the white Shepard. She stretched out her hand in front of her, a pale hand was already over the animal's head, Bolt was already preparing to be petted, but in the least expected moment, the girl took her hand away waving her head. This saddened the dog, who was already prepared for the touch of the girl's warm hand, but he did not show it, he was still listening to his owner.

"You let me down, I think you let yourself down too," Penny said in a cool tone. She wanted to reach for the smartphone again, but Bolt stopped her by placing his furry paw on her hand.

"No, Bolt. I'm sorry, but this all has to pass, too many emotions for today... I hope it's over for this moment" Penny replied putting Shepard's paw down on the floor. Soon the ringtone sounded from Penny's phone.

"It's probably Lucas." Penny said, taking the phone in her hand again. She began to read the message she had received from her boyfriend. The more time she spent reading the text, the more her eyes grew spicy and angry. Her mouth involuntarily opened gently and she furrowed her brow. Her breathing quickened and every few seconds she stared at Bolt, who waited anxiously for the girl to say something.

"Get out," Penny said in an angry tone after reading the entire message.

"Get out!" repeated Penny louder while pointing her finger at the door.

"Penny, it's not what you think..." said the dog approaching Penny which was a very bad idea.

"Bolt, you messed up my plans! You know, come out, just come out! You know why I like Lucas so much? Because I fell in love with him! Do you understand?! I have the right to be happy too! " almost with a shout Penny said this, and when Bolt approached her once more, she put down the phone and raised her hand as violently as if she wanted to...hit him. At this point, Bolt got really scared until he cocked his head and squealed, which quickly made it clear to Penny that her emotions had taken over and she had overreacted. She looked at her hand, then calmly placed it in front of her.

"I want... To be alone, please," Penny sighed, Bolt didn't fight any further. Resignedly, he left her room with a sigh.

He was shocked when he noticed her hand was in the air. He thought he was about to be struck by his owner for the first time. Admittedly, despite his first premonitions, deep down he expected her not to do it. She is not capable of this. But the fact that she reacted so violently was shocking. And on top of that, Penny's confession that she loved Lucas. It completely killed him inside.

"I think I'll actually go outside, I don't feel... Good" thought Bolt. When he came down the stairs he saw neither Mittens nor Rhino. He left the house with his ears perked up through the small entrance.

Meanwhile, Penny, once she was alone in the room, continued to lie on the bed and listen to "Save Your Tears" (assume this song is older, circa 2007), she wondered if she had treated her dog too harshly recently. She herself had also changed her behaviour towards him relatively and was sometimes aggressive towards Shepard (as she had just proved). On the one hand she blamed herself for some of the events, her behaviour might have surprised Bolt, but on the other hand she couldn't help being angry at Bolt for his transgressions when he was near Lucas.

"'Well, at least he already knows why we are so attached to each other' Penny thought. She turned her head to the left side, the rain continued to fall, it was even stronger than before. The girl took off one earphone so she could listen for a brief moment to the raindrops hitting the window glass.

"It's still raining..." thought Penny as she decided to read again, this time calmly, the message from Lucas that had angered her so much:

"Hey, Penny. Let me start by saying that my hand is fine and no further action is needed. I had to tell my parents that I cut my hand so they wouldn't attach, but that's okay. I'm writing at this time mainly because I've been thinking about one thing and now I'm 100% sure what my conclusion is on the subject. I'm referring to Bolt of course (but you've probably guessed that). Personally I like him, he seems to be a cool and calm dog and in addition smart. However, he doesn't seem to like me very much. I wanted to tell you this before, but you would probably laugh at me and not believe me. Bolt looks at me as an enemy, he doesn't want to play with me or something like that. He avoids me, it is obvious to the naked eye that your dog simply does not like me. Of course I don't have anything against it, I mean, he could walk with us, Bolt is your best friend and you need him as much as he needs you, but I'm a little afraid that he will start to be more and more hostile towards me. I was afraid to tell you this, but I am afraid of unfamiliar animals. It's not that I'm afraid of a cat or anything, I just feel anxious when I see a big dog that I don't know. Bolt proved after today that it's better for us if he doesn't go with us. Ok, maybe not better for you, but for me definitely... Safer. We like each other a lot... Maybe even too much haha, but you know, I don't want every time we meet to end with me having to watch out for your dog. So please don't come with Bolt when we hang out. Sure, go out with him for walks in the park, you need that, but I can't come in those cases.

Let me know what you think and see you soon ;)

Lucas "

Penny, after reading this long and expansive message, put the phone down and let the music flowing from her headphones.

" Maybe I was actually treating Bolt too harshly?

Maybe I should have paid more attention to Bolt? "

Bolt: JealousyWhere stories live. Discover now