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Late at night

It was a very dark and noisy night. Penny's mother arrived very late, because there was a strong storm and everyone drove very slowly and carefully. Nobody wanted to be involved in an accident. Penny was told by her mum that she would be back very late and she went to bed around 10 p.m. Since her dog had left the room she had not seen him, which worried her, but she tried to reassure herself with the thought that Bolt was a very clever dog and would probably come back when everyone was asleep. The girl went to bed when she was exhausted from waiting and fearing that something might have happened. Before she fell asleep she felt guilty that she had been too hard on Bolt, but she could not help it. The rhythmic pounding of the rain made the girl fall asleep faster than she could have expected. Although Penny's mother entered the house very quietly (it was really very late , around midnight), her quiet and gentle movements managed to wake Mittens, who had a really weak and light sleep that night. She could not stop thinking about Bolt , who had disappeared and until now had not returned.

"What a storm. I don't remember it raining like this for a long time" the woman whispered as she took off her clothes. When she had taken off her jacket, she put her briefcase on the glass bench and went upstairs to her room. Mittens had been eavesdropping on the woman's activities, and when she was gone, the cat got up and jumped onto the windowsill to see if Bolt was there. Unfortunately she was unable to locate him , she could not see the white animal anywhere .

"Oh Bolt, why don't you come back ... Maybe this is the right time to wake Penny up?" Thought Mittens wondering what to do with this fact . At first she thought it was a good idea, but she quickly gave it up when she realised that Penny alone wouldn't be able to do much. Mittens went back to sleep, although it was hard for her to rest when she felt that something bad had happened to Bolt.

A few hours later

In the morning, when the storm was over, the sky brightened up and even the sun started to peek out from the blocks of clouds. There were still a lot of puddles outside due to the last big storm last night, but the air temperature had risen considerably and it was quite pleasant outside.

Penny got up around 6p.m. She was not fully awake, her sleep was very weak and interrupted with every strong stroke of lightning. She was a little afraid of thunderstorms, especially of the lightning that struck close to her. Moreover, she dreamt about Bolt. It was a very vague dream, which made no sense at all, but it made Penny feel less energetic when she woke up. You could also tell from her eyes that she had a very average dream. When she woke up, she leaned out from behind the bed, where Bolt usually lies when he sleeps with her. But he wasn't there, which alarmed Penny slightly.

"Bolt? Are you doggy?" She asked the girl , but her cries were not answered. In her head she kept trying to explain to herself that Bolt was somewhere outside or sleeping or something else, but at the same time she felt that something might have happened. Penny then went downstairs, which caught the attention of Mittens, who was also awake. She saw that Penny was looking for something and the cat knew exactly what. After casting an eye around the living room, Penny headed for the kitchen, where a piece of paper, left on the table, caught her eye. Penny took it in her hands and started to read.

"I'm sorry Penny, but I have urgent business to attend to again. Paperwork, you know what I mean. I'll try to get back to you as soon as I can, although it'll probably take me until the evening anyway...probably like it always does. There's food in the fridge, so eat what you want.

Ps. Haven't you seen Bolt? I haven't seen him anywhere, so maybe you've spotted him somewhere?"

Penny put the piece of paper down now being really irritated by the situation. She had hoped that Bolt would be home safe and sound by the time her mother returned. Now Bolt was still missing.

"He couldn't have gone far" Penny thought as she headed for the exit door, opened it and looked left and right. Unfortunately there was no sign of her friend.

"Bolt! Bolt!" Shouted Penny , but to no avail .

"where could he have gone ..." She thought at the door proudly. Mittens noticed this and was about to wake Rhin, but stopped at the last moment when she decided it wouldn't be the best choice.

"He won't help us, he'll sow unnecessary panic" the she-cat said as she walked out the door to take a closer look around the area.

"What if something really happened to him? It will be my fault! I shouldn't have yelled at him yesterday..." Penny sighed reflecting on her behaviour yesterday. What hurt the most was the hand that would have hit her best friend a little more. It was the stupidest move she could have made, but under the influence of emotions it is hard to control oneself. The girl sat at the kitchen table and looked at her watch. It was 7.00 a.m.

"Okay, if Bolt doesn't come back by 9 a.m. I'll look for him, maybe he'll come back, maybe he wants to be alone, maybe he needs to rest...I don't know, it's my fault...if something happened to him, it's only my fault! "

Negative thoughts began to gather in Penny's head, which further filled the girl with negative thoughts and emotions. She would have loved to call an agent right away, but after she had fired her last one, her agent was her own mother. She did not want to write anything to Lucas, she was not in the mood. She looked at the clock hoping that soon she would hear a familiar dog sound somewhere nearby. However, the minutes flew by and nothing changed.

After 10 minutes of waiting, the phone rang in the house. It was Penny's mobile phone. The girl quickly went upstairs to answer the call. It was Lucas. She was surprised that the boy was calling at such an early hour. Why would he call at 7.15 a.m.? At first she didn't want to answer, she didn't feel like chatting, but finally she answered the phone.

"Lucas ? Is something wrong? Why are you calling so early?" Penny asked.

"Penny , do you remember that place , near the park , where there is a big oak tree by the road ?" Asked a breathless Lucas. This worried Penny a little , his voice was terribly chaotic and erratic , as was his breathing.

"Yes,I remember .something happened ? Your voice is..."

"Come as soon as you can! Come !" Said Lucas almost in a shout.

"But what happened?"

"Come! It's about Bolt !" Said Lucas , which shocked Penny.

Bolt: JealousyWhere stories live. Discover now