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"We're going to Lucas tomorrow, both of us!" repeated Penny seeing the expression on her dog's face. This unusual news took him very much by surprise. He was so stunned by it that he refused to believe it and stared at his mistress with a funny expression on his face.

"Really? You're joking right?" thought Bolt hoping it was just another joke from the girl.

"Tomorrow around 10 p.m. We are going to his house. He really wanted me to take you with me so why not? Anyway, it's probably a good thing, the three of us will spend the whole day!" said Penny cheerfully kneeling in front of her dog.

"All day! This is some kind of joke!" thought Bolt, while Penny embraced his muzzle to herself. Sam didn't know what he felt. On the one hand he was unhappy - he had disliked this boy from the very beginning. Because of him his contact with Penny had weakened, for the first time Bolt had the impression that there was someone more important than him with the girl. But on the other hand, thanks to the fact that he would be with them, he would spend time with Penny and would be able to observe what the boy was doing. And if he got too close to Penny he could disturb him.

"Well then you better get some sleep, sleep will do you good because we have to get up early. I'm still going to the bathroom," Penny said pulling away from her pet so she could go to the bathroom to have a traditional evening bathroom.

"Why don't you like that boy?" asked Mittens as Penny disappeared into the bathroom.

"I didn't say I didn't like," said Bolt, but the cat's gaze was already telling that she knew what attitude the dog had towards Lucas.

"Don't pretend, you can see by your reaction that you don't like him. What troubles you so?" asked Mittens.

"Nothing bothers me, what are you talking about" chuckled Bolt turning his back on his friends. He expected that from his face Mittens would recognise that he was annoyed and lying.

"So you're glad you're going to that Lucas place tomorrow?" the cat asked. Bolt sighed. He knew his friend was too intelligent to be fooled.

"This is the first time Penny is interested in someone else more than me... Or at least I get that impression. She just keeps talking about this Lucas guy, it's kind of weird when she doesn't mention much about me. It was never like that..." Lightning sighed. Although it was hard for him to say it, he was relieved that he didn't have to stifle it inside.

"You know, this is the first time she's dated a boy who isn't from a movie. Let her meet other people, she needs to meet someone too," Mittens countered.

"Yeah I know, but it feels so weird..."

"It'll be fine Bolt. You just have to..." Mittens' statement was interrupted by Penny, who had already come out of the bathroom changed into her pajamas. Mittens and Rhino got off the bed laying down next to him while the girl climbed onto the soft mattress of the bed yawning.

"Good night everyone," Penny said covering herself with the duvet. Bolt jumped onto the bed next to Penny, to which the girl responded.

"You're going to have a great time Bolt" said Penny then turned on her other side.

"Remember what I told you" whispered Mittens then drifted off to sleep.

"I hope you're right... I hope you're right..." thought Bolt as he looked at the moon through the window. All he wanted at the moment was just for Penny not to drop him into the background and everything to stay as it is.

The next day, when Penny and Bolt were going to visit Lucas, the dog slept quite long again, because again when he woke up Mittens was standing by him.

"What, I got up last again didn't I?" asked Bolt of his friend as he got up on his four paws vigorously shaking his body to rouse himself.

"Yeah, again..." sighed Mittens, then with a movement of her head signaled Bolt to see what was going on. Behind the wooden ajar door, Penny went every so often from room to bathroom, from bathroom to room, went downstairs then upstairs again looking for something.

"Oh yeah... Because we're supposed to go to that Lucas guy..." sighed Bolt with a detectable hint of reluctance.

"Don't be discouraged. Ekhm... Think you're doing this for Penny, you've done bigger things for Penny right?" said Mittens trying to somehow make the dog feel positive about the trip.

"It will be hard although I will try" replied Bolt leaving the room. As he did so he was immediately stopped by Penny kneeling beside him and as always stroking his pristine white muzzle.

"I didn't mean to wake you early, but you need to get up a little earlier sleepyhead" the girl pointed out.

"Fly downstairs eat, we're leaving soon, Lucas really wants to see you" the girl communicated getting up from her knees shaking out her trousers.

"And I don't want to see him" muttered Bolt going downstairs. Going downstairs he could traditionally see his hamster friend on the couch, who was watching TV as always at this hour. Bolt didn't want to disturb him anymore so he went further into the kitchen where his favourite food and water were already waiting in his bowls so that he could have something to drink. At this time Mittens sat down on the couch with Rhino.

"Bolt doesn't seem happy about going to Lucas" remarked the hamster.

"As long as he doesn't do anything stupid" sighed Mittens watching what was going on the television. Unfortunately there was currently a commercial break. She couldn't switch the channel because the remote was next to Rhina, who quite rarely gave someone the remote to select a channel.

"You could choose the channel for me in the morning for once," she accused Mittens.

"I'll give you next time, I promise" replied the hamster.

"Yeah... That's what you said a dozen times"

"Now I'm talking for real!"

"I don't think so, but..."

"Bolt!" the discussion between Mittens and Rhino was interrupted by Penny's voice coming from the first floor, to which, moments after the communication, Bolt slowly made his way. The door to Penny's room was only slightly ajar this time, literally there was room only for Lightning's nose.

" What could Penny want" thought Bolt, swinging the door open. He was very much surprised to see his owner standing there in trousers and only a bra. At first he stood as if nothing had happened, but a moment later he burst into a violent reaction. He never entered Penny's room when she was changing her clothes.

"Yeez!" shouted Bolt quickly backing away from the door and turning away from Penny's room. He ran to the other end of the corridor waiting on the opposite side of the hallway.

"Bolt, you can come in!" communicated Penny. Bolt didn't obey the command at first, but when the girl repeated it he agreed slowly entering the room. He felt embarrassed to see his mistress in trousers and bra. A slight embarrassment must have been felt by Penny herself as well because a slight blush appeared on her cheeks.

"Which shirt looks nicer?" asked Penny placing the two shirts against her body. One was blue with patterns and the other was red, more elegant. Something like a shirt. Bolt just pointed to the latter. Penny took it and tried it on to her body, then looked at herself in the mirror.

"You're right Bolt, I look better in this. Come out now, I'll get dressed and we'll go" Penny said putting the blue shirt back in the wardrobe.

Bolt: JealousyWhere stories live. Discover now