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"I know you don't like it... But you know, your white, soft... Mmm, glad you have such exceptionally soft fur! Not many dogs have one," Penny said as she dried Bolt's fur, who was trying not to give in to the temptation to escape his owner's embrace. The slightly ajar bathroom door tempted the dog even more to escape, but he didn't want to cause annoyance to the girl, so he clenched his teeth tightly and lowered his head down so as not to see the sight of the slightly ajar door. It was the least comfortable when she dried the fur around his intimate areas, then Bolt growled to let her know he didn't want it. The girl obediently backed away, setting the dryer down on the washing machine.

"All right! You're ready to go. Just please, I beg you, don't go outside, and if you want it so badly at least don't get too dirty so I don't have to bathe you again, I'm guessing you don't want it either" Penny said releasing Bolt from her embrace.

"Go on, I need to get on with something else... I'd best clean my room now" thought Penny out loud as she followed Bolt. As he walked down the stairs the girl entered her room wondering where to start.

Although stereotypically girls loved tidiness, Penny didn't care for it very much and a fairly common sight in her room was a mess (probably because she had little time for any major tidying up and partly she didn't want to).

"Wow Bolt, you look better right away!" said Mittens when she saw the refreshed Bolt. His fur had taken on a new, snowy white colour, it was bright, it even beat a little white when the light came on, but it was definitely a better effect than before the bath.

" You say? Thanks, although I don't like being washed. The water gets where it shouldn't..." replied Bolt turning behind him so he could see the beating clean fur himself.

"The main thing is that you look great, and Penny..."

"She's cleaning her room. She told me not to get too dirty," Bolt replied, then hopped onto the couch. His fur was still a little damp in some places, but it didn't bother him too much.

"So... You're not going to Penny's?"

"Don't want to shock her..." replied Bolt.

A few hours later

"Mother, it's about 12! I think I've got everything cleaned done, makeup too. I think I'm ready" Penny said as she glanced at the clock that hung on the kitchen wall. It indicated 11.55 a.m.

By this time Penny had managed to clean every room in the house, she had also taken a bath herself, she had prepared herself for this meeting with Lucas the best she could by preparing the best outfit she had. She wore a black dress, decorated with stars at the shoulders, and had large star-shaped earrings. She rarely really dressed that richly, mostly when she had some important TV appearance, but this meeting was also very important to her. Bolt, when he saw the girl himself was very impressed by how Penny could look even more beautiful when she chose the right outfit for herself.

"She looks lovely," said Bolt quietly as he gazed at her.

"But she didn't dress like that for you" his thoughts were interrupted by Mittens laughing at Bolt.

"Nah, stop it! It's a shame, but you have to admit she looks gorgeous" said Bolt to which the cat nodded with a motion of her head. Soon the girl came out of the house, which aroused Bolt's curiosity, who looked out of the window. A white Mercedes pulled up in front of the house.

"That must be him?" asked Mittens.

"Yeah..." replied Bolt walking away from the window.

"Hi Penny! You look lovely, as always! This is for you" Lucas greeted handing Penny a bouquet of red scented roses.

"Thank you Lucas... Mmm, they smell so good! Please come inside" invited Penny the boy inside taking the gift from him.

"Lovely..." thought Penny, smelling the scent of roses.

"You know... Since I've been here, I didn't think it would feel so good so quickly, really!" said Lucas looking around the flat. He noticed Bolt who was lying on the couch and staring with a pattern that clearly showed he had no desire to approach him.

" Bolt looks somehow...brighter, have you washed him? "

" Yeah, can you see it that much? Haha, when he's so white I'm reminded of when he was still a puppy...ah,the good old days. Let's go upstairs to my room" the girl suggested, walking with her boyfriend upstairs.

"Bolt's not coming with us?" asked Lucas.

"You're not mad at him? After all..."

"Nah, it happens, the main thing is that no one got hurt"

"Bolt... Can you?" asked Penny. Bolt was greatly surprised by the boy's words, he wasn't sure about the sincerity of his words, but he agreed and went upstairs with Penny and Lucas.

Penny was also as surprised as Bolt, but actually she herself wanted the dog to go with them. After all, she wanted to repair her relationship with him, which had soured badly in recent times.

Mittens and Rhino meanwhile sat outside, watching the cloudy sky.

"I'm probably going to regret this question, but what do you think, does Bolt..."

"For sure," Mittens stated shortly, not even allowing for Rhino to finish the question.

"Did you see Bolt's gaze when he noticed that boy?" asked Mittens to which the hamster nodded with a motion of his head.

"Personally to me this boy seems alright, it's hard to fault him at first glance. I think Bolt is just scared."

"But of what?"

"That he'll lose Penny" replied Mittens.

Penny and Lucas watched series on Netflix choosing only the ones they both liked, so it took a while to choose a series, but when they finally did, they watched one series for several hours. Eventually they decided on 'Dr Houes' which is very well known but at times can be very drastic. At these moments Penny would close her eyes and Lucas would laugh a little at her.

"You don't have anything to be afraid of," Lucas said as Penny covered her eyes while the doctor operated on the man.

"The sight of blood... Yuck!" the girl flinched as she saw the scenes from the operating room.

"After all, in your show..."

"I know, but not in this form" replied Penny looking through her fingers to see if the scenes with lots of blood had passed.

"I beg you, can't time fly faster? Every moment is an eternity, I have to lie here and I'm so upset by his rusks it's a shock..." thought Bolt as he heard Lucas joking with Penny. It was getting on his nerves a lot, but there was nothing he could do... Or at least he tried to hold back.

" Heh... And how's Bolt? How are you holding up, aren't you scared? " Lucas asked, but to his question Bolt only growled. This quite upset Lucas, who most of the time saw that Bolt was looking at him, with very aggressive eyes which was already putting the boy in a nervous mood.

" What does he have against me? From the beginning he's kind of angry all the time with me..." thought Lucas before getting close to the animal's ear.

"Ekh... Probably not, you're just a stupid dog" Lucas said once he was near the dog's ear. At that moment, something inside Bolt snapped. Some new, unfamiliar boy is going to talk about him like that? Some boy that nobody knows or is interested in is going to insult him!

"That's enough" thought Bolt in fury, getting up from the floor and before anyone had time to react, Bolt bit the boy's hand.

Bolt: JealousyWhere stories live. Discover now