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"Surely you're not taking Bolt? You always took him with you," Penny's mother asked again, surprised that her daughter was not going to take her dog with her. She never parted with him even when she had to go out into the yard for a while, let alone go somewhere. What she didn't expect was that Penny wouldn't want to take him with her.

The girl looked at her dog, who was looking at her with his ears down. He had a sliver of hope that she would take him after all although he didn't believe it himself.

"It's only a few hours, and if I come I promise we'll spend the rest of the day together without interruption. What do you say?" asked Penny walking up to her dog kneeling beside him. Although this information didn't improve his mood at all, but rather depressed him even more, due to the fact that he had completely lost hope. Having no other choice he nodded with a motion of his head, whereupon Penny with her hands drew his muzzle to her lips to kiss his forehead.

"I'll see you later," Penny said and left with her mother closing the door behind her. This situation was watched by Mittens and Rhino from the sofa. They did not turn down the TV so that Bolt would not notice that he was being overheard. Mittens and Rhino glanced at each other. They didn't have much to add to the situation. Rhino was already about to walk towards Bolt, but was stopped by Mittens.

"This is not a good time." Mittens opined, holding up the hamster's tank.


"He has to figure it out on his own somehow," countered Mittens. Rhino sighed heavily. It was hard for him to look at a depressed Bolt, but on the other hand he acknowledged Mittens' right. He had to experience this for himself. Once he understood her choice he could be comforted. Bolt himself stared out the door for a few more moments, probably not quite believing Penny's words himself and hoping that in a moment she would burst out of the door saying she was joking. Quite often she pretended to be angry with him, so why shouldn't that be the case this time? Unfortunately it wasn't and the door was still closed.

He walked away from them to then finish his breakfast, which already had no taste at all. He ate a little, sipped his water and then jumped onto the couch laying down and staring at the TV.

"What happened?" asked Mittens. She didn't want to comfort him right away. Then, Bolt would have felt even more keenly how special the situation was that Penny was leaving him. She preferred to ask him to interpret the situation herself.

"Penny went to meet someone, she left me..." sighed Bolt sadly resting his head on the couch.

"Well... It's nothing like that, I mean I know she rarely leaves you, but..."

"Nothing like that? She never does, I'm always there for her" replied Bolt turning his head towards his friend.

"Maybe they go somewhere where you can't have dogs with you, maybe someone in his family has allergies. Don't break down like that, I heard Penny herself promise that you two would spend the rest of the day together when she gets back" countered Mittens.

"Exactly Bolt. Anyway pay attention to us, we are practically home all the time but we know Penny loves us" interjected Rhino into the conversation.

"Finally some wise words you said" thought Mittens hearing his statement. Bolt thought over the situation after hearing their words. Although he was still disappointed, he acknowledged his friends' right. Besides, he couldn't be around Penny all the time, even as much as he wanted to.

"You know what," began Bolt in a slightly more cheerful tone. A modest smile appeared on his muzzle.

"I think you're right, I probably worry a little too much...all in all we can do something with each other during this time" considered Bolt.

A few hours later

Even though it had started raining outside and there was practically nothing to see outside the window, the three friends were having a great time with each other, forgetting all their worries. They had pillow fights, chased each other around the house, and even doused each other with water, causing puddles on the floor, which they then fell through as they slid across the floor.

"I actually have a great idea!" decided Bolt at one point. He took the carpet in his mouth, then moved it aside so that the centre of the living room floor was clear of any obstructions. He then ordered for Mittens and Rhino to wet the floor even more.

"But why are we doing this Bolt?" asked Mittens uncertain of the action.

"You'll see," replied Bolt briefly. Rhino didn't even discuss it, as Bolt was the authority for him AND it didn't occur to him to have doubts about his ideas.

"Ok enough" communicated Bolt when the floor was all wet.

"Okay and?" asked Mittens. At which Bolt retraced his steps back to the beginning of the kitchen, to then jump with a run into the wet living room, through which he slid on his side all the way to the wall at the other end.

"You must try it yourselves!" said Bolt excitedly, walking towards the kitchen.

"You're crazy Bolt" laughed Mittens as Bolt finished presenting his idea.

"You have to know how to have fun" replied Bolt. He let his friends pass so they could try out the ride themselves.

"Okay, this is even good, but not soon we'll have to clean it up" communicated Mittens when she returned from the living room. Her back was all wet, but it didn't bother her.

"Don't worry, we'll make it" replied Bolt. Although he didn't know when Penny would be back with her mum, something in his intuition told him it would be at 3p.m. She was currently 2p.m. For 30 minutes the pets slid on the slide, but soon the water started to wipe out, making it impossible to slide anymore. They took this as a good sign to start cleaning everything up so they wouldn't have any problems later. They started with themselves by wiping their soaked furs. Then they mopped the floors throughout the house so that there would not be any wet spots. Then they arranged the cushions on the sofas and beds, which were literally in every room. Order began to reign again in the house. Everything was in place, the floors were dry and the pets were culturally lying on the sofa talking to each other. During all this, a rainy melody played in the windows. The clock read 2.55p.m.

"Something tells me they'll be arriving any minute" said Bolt staring at the clock that hung on the wall next to the TV.

"Since when do you have the power to predict the future kitty?"

"I wish I had that power to see what would happen with Penny i..."

"And with that boy?" finished Mittens question.

"Yes... And with that boy," sighed Bolt.

"Don't worry, Penny still loves you and will"

"She's your lady, she won't forget you" replied Mittens. Those words conveyed a lot, a small smile appeared on Bolt's face.

A moment later, the door of the house swung open and two women appeared in it.

Bolt: JealousyWhere stories live. Discover now