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"Hello? Hello, where am I! Where am I!" screamed Bolt when he woke up in the dark room. There was darkness everywhere, which was like a black hole, it consumed everything and made there was nothing around the dog.

"Where am I..." said Bolt to himself looking around trying to catch any particle of light, but he realised that there was nothing beside him. He was alone.

"Maybe my super voice will help... I mean... Just a voice..." Lightning sighed, then prepared himself for the position in which he would begin his super voice. Bolt screamed as loud as he could. He did it so loudly that he felt his throat ache moments after letting out the sound. All that answered him was a deafening echo, which carried until it too, somewhere, in the darkness, disappeared. Lightning gave voice once more, but this time a little quieter due to his sore throat, but it was still very high pitched. Again he was repulsed by a deafening echo which, as if nothing, flew off in all directions a moment later disappearing.

Bolt felt resigned, he already wanted to lie down again, when suddenly, a door opened a few dozen meters in front of him, which let a lot of white light into the room. Bolt stood up, then began to slowly walk towards the wide-open door, in which only white light was visible. A moment later Bolt felt a soft touch on his shoulder.

"You can't go there," said a mysterious voice stopping the dog.

"How can I not?" asked Bolt turning around. All he saw was the dark outline of the paw that was touching him, nothing else was visible.

"You can't go in there" repeated the voice then the door closed making a loud slamming sound.

"What the hell! Where is the door! Where is the door!" shouted Bolt turning towards where the door stood. He started running as much as he could in his legs.

"Ahh! Penny!" shouted Bolt opening his eyes wide. He quickly looked around. Everything was fine. Looking to his right he could see a curtained window, a slightly ajar door to his left, a TV behind him and his lady Penny below him. He was sleeping on her stomach this time.

"It's just a dream... It's just a dream... A dream..." sighed Bolt taking a deep breath. He was under such emotion that he fell to the ground laughing quietly.

"Thankfully it's just a dream... Everything is fine" repeated Bolt to himself still lying next to the bed to give himself confidence.

"I'm going to go downstairs for a drink... I got a little weak" decided Bolt getting up slowly from the soft carpet. He looked at his mistress, the girl was still immersed in sleep. Then the dog, trying to be as quiet as possible, went out through the slightly ajar door leading to Penny's room, then headed down the stairs. As he descended he saw Mittens and Rhino out of the corner of his eye.

"'Too bad they can't sleep with me and Penny' thought Bolt as he looked at them. They didn't look as if they would be uncomfortable sleeping there, but he expected that they would also prefer to sleep together. With that in mind Bolt went to the kitchen where there was some fresh water in his bowl, which he slowly drank.

"Much better" Lightning sighed looking at the view outside the windows. It was still dark. The dog shifted his gaze to the wall clock, which was only chiming 4a.m.

"'I can still take a nap' thought Bolt as he was about to walk back upstairs to Penny when he stopped. He looked at his two friends.

"'All in all why not' thought Bolt, then quietly walked over to them. Finding a comfortable spot he lay down next to them and took a nap.

A few hours had passed when the sun finally began to rise lazily and warm up the horizon sending it its first warm rays of sunshine. It was already becoming much warmer and brighter. The first rays of sunlight were streaming into the windows which woke Rhino, who when he saw Bolt began to scream as if he had seen a ghost.

"He's here!" shouted Rhino howling with all his throat.

"Ahh! What's happening!" shouted Mittens jumping up from the sudden scream.

"Lightning!" shouted Rhino once more, causing Mittens to put her paw to his mouth.

"Shhh! Can't you see he's asleep you wuss?" asked Mittens in a whisper.

"I'm sorry," whispered Rhino, but to no avail, because apparently Bolt heard the screams, because he too opened his eyes and looked at his friends with still sleepy eyes.

"What were those screams?" asked Bolt as he yawned.

"Hi Bolt, it was just your psycho fan deciding to put us down" cast Mittens a sinister look at the hamster who giggled in embarrassment.

"Rhino, hehe, no harm done" replied Bolt after a long yawn.

"Where did you come from here anyway? After all, you were going up in the evening" asked Mittens.

"Ekh... Well, I got thirsty... Yes, I needed a drink and decided I'd lie down next to you" replied Bolt smiling.

"Bolt? Ah, there you are, what happened to come down here?" from the side of the stairs came the voice of Penny, who seeing her dog immediately slowed down coming down the stairs.

"I hope you didn't want to run away because of your vet appointment?" giggled Penny stroking her dog's head, to which the dog only lowered his eyebrows and took on a stony face. He didn't like going to the vet, but he had to do it 3 times a month to be sure he was healthy and out of danger. He didn't really have much choice, he had to go there, it was also required by the crew filming the series.

"Oh come on Bolt, don't get so angry, it's only two injections max and remember I'm always here for you so we're both safe" Penny added.

"Wait, do you go to the vet?" asked Mittens as Penny went to pour food for her pets.

"Well, yeah... I have to."

"I sympathize... Those injections... How it hurts... And yet how..."

"Okay stop stop stop! I seriously know what it's like in there you don't have to tell me, thank you" replied Bolt interrupting for Mittens.

"What was that to a cult dog like you Bolt! Any two little injections won't hurt you!" exclaimed Rhino excitedly as always. When he started talking about Bolt he always said it with extreme excitement.

"Yeah, you're probably right... I always get a little too anxious about these doctor appointments... I can do it" he thought said Lightning gaining confidence.

"Sure kitty, remember you're awesome" added Mittens with a warm smile.

"Ready... pets, if you want you can eat now" Penny's voice came from the kitchen inviting them to breakfast.

"Mmm and this is one of the best times of the day" whispered Mittens smelling the aroma of the fish that was already waiting for her. All three of them gathered into their bowls and then began to eat their food breakfast.

Bolt's terrible experience turned out to be only a dream, fortunately! Let's hope Bolt overcomes her fear of seeing the vet! See you there!

Bolt: JealousyWhere stories live. Discover now