The mess

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"Why did you do that? Why didn't you think it through? You trusted yourself too much. Your ego won out. Do you think it will make a difference? Do you think it was worth it? Was the fear of not being number one with Penny so great that you lost control of it? You failed. You failed us. You failed yourself."

Bolt, after his bravado and completely unthinking action, quickly went to ground when he heard Penny screaming, which could be heard throughout the house.

" Thunderbolt! " exclaimed the girl seeing the moment when the dog bites the boy's hand. Even Rhino and Mittens heard it, come on they were sitting on the stairs.

"It's already starting to rain anyway..." sighed Mittens as she entered the flat. She expected Bolt to need their support. The bite was short but very strong, which caused her hand to bleed. A bandage was necessary.

Around 4 p.m. Penny led Lucas into the living room where she hastily gave him cubes of cold water so the boy could ease the pain.

"Ahh! That hurts, I didn't know Bolt had such strong teeth" said Lucas squeezing his teeth to ease the pain.

"I'll get a bandage in a minute, hold on a bit longer" communicated Penny quickly searching the kitchen cupboards for a first aid kit.

"Where is she... Aha here, well, Wait Lucas, I'm coming!" said Penny from the kitchen as she found the orange first aid kit in the top cupboard. Bolt watched all this with sadness and dismay. He hadn't expected things to go this far. At that moment he wasn't thinking, he was so upset that he had no control over his own body. Anger had taken control of him and he needed to unload it. He just wanted to scare Lucas away, and ended up needing help because of him. Curled up he lay by the door and expected the worst. At the same time he saw Mittens and Rhin in the living room, by the chimney, talking about something.

"I'm sorry for you very much Lucas, he... I mean Bolt never acted like that... He likes people a lot, I don't know what he has against you, but I promise it will never happen again. I'm sorry, so sorry..."

"It's okay Penny... I know it's not your fault and you didn't mean it..." Lucas replied as Penny bandaged his arm. There was still blood dripping from the wound, but no longer as much as before.

"What have I done... I messed everything up!" thought Blu as he continued to watch what the pair of people were doing.

"Ok, that's all the dressing now, don't worry. Lightning is regularly vaccinated for everything, you'll be fine. Now go from the bathroom, you have some blood on your hands" Penny suggested, the boy agreed and with his hand already stiffened he headed for the toilet. Penny and Bolt were left alone in two. Although the girl didn't focus her attention on the dog (she had to clean the medical equipment from the bench), when she did she stared at Bolt with a sadness that Bolt hadn't seen in her before. He could see that there were already tears in her eyes, ready to flow, but Penny bravely resisted them without crying. Even so, her face showed how shocked and devastated she was by her charge's behaviour. Bolt was always friendly, liked to meet new people, never bothered. Today he overdid all his antics, the first time he bit a human, which was unforgivable. After all, he had worked with dozens of people!

"You let me down," sighed Penny quietly walking over to Lucas.

"Penny..." sighed Bolt trying to approach her but the girl didn't even wait for him, she headed upstairs to help wash the blood off Lucas' hands. Seeing that Penny was not going to have any contact with him he walked over to his friends who were watching the scenes from under the fireplace. The dog didn't dare look them in the eye, so he lay down next to them and closed his eyes, wanting to quiet his mind.

"You were supposed to remember the surprise Penny promised... Remember?"

"I remember Rhino, but I couldn't take it anymore... Especially when he had already insulted me I got furious... Ekh...for the rest, never mind, I failed"

"What do you mean, insulted?" asked Rhino.

"He called me a stupid dog, this has already crossed all boundaries" sighed Bolt glancing occasionally at the stairs, the pair of young people were still on the 1st floor. At this point it made no difference to Bolt whether Lucas stayed or not, he was more concerned about how Penny would behave once the visitor was gone.

Moments later Lucas and Penny were coming down the stairs, Lucas was putting on his jacket that he had brought with him, for it had started to rain from the grey clouds and it was getting heavier by the minute.

"Listen, I'm sorry about Bolt... He's never acted like this, he's gone crazy lately, I don't really recognise him myself..."

"Relax Penny, don't worry, it's not your fault" Lucas replied putting on his jacket, he looked through the small window in the doorway, there was already a white Mercedes standing waiting for him.

"But for the future..." said Lucas as he opened the door "

"...Don't bring Bolt with you."

Saying that, the boy said goodbye to Penny one last time, then walked away towards the car closing the door behind him. Once the boy was gone, the girl still had to clean the house before her mother would arrive. It was only 4.30p.m., so there wasn't much of a rush (seeing as her mum was due back around 6p.m.), but Penny was in a very bad mood, as she walked up and down the stairs she kept saying something quietly to herself, and when she got the chance she would stare at Bolt with razor-sharp eyes, which the dog managed to notice, fearing that look. Shivers ran down his spine when he saw that sharp and unfriendly gaze. When everything was cleaned up, the girl finally went to her room locking herself in it.

"Now you've certainly made things worse" she pointed out to Mittens.

"I'll go to her" replied Bolt getting up from the soft carpet.

"You will go? But what for?" asked Mittens.

"When we're two alone, maybe we can reconcile somehow, mend a little contact... Anyway, It's very bad anyway, it can't be worse" replied the dog, heading towards the stairs. As he climbed them, he reconsidered if he really wanted to enter her room. Surely she was very angry, and her reaction when she saw Bolt might not be as pleasant and friendly as Bolt would like.

"I gave it a miss today anyway, I'm walking in" Bolt decided finally. Before moving on he stopped in the corridor and listened. It was eerily quiet, with only the wall clock making a sound.

"'I hope Penny isn't crying because of me' thought Bolt. He walked to the white door, seeing a small gap in it, and opened the entrance to the girl's room for himself.

Bolt: JealousyWhere stories live. Discover now