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"Penny, you can come inside to see your pet. Just please , be quiet and don't make a lot of noise. Bolt is still in a lot of shock and is not well. He needs a lot of rest and silence. " said the doctor. He was about to leave but Penny stopped him by pulling him by his apron.

"What has happened to him? Will he be okay?" asked Penny with tears in her eyes. She blamed herself a lot for what had happened. After all she was the one who ordered for Bolt to leave , run away from home. She couldn't help herself and she has the consequences.

"Well... from what the boy who called us said Bolt was hit by someone at high speed. He has a lot of bruises on his body as well as lacerations, the initial head examination didn't show any major injuries, however we need to hold him for a bit to make sure he is actually okay and in no danger."

"Thank you doctor...which room is this ?"

"215A. In that corridor on the left" replied the Doctor walking to the doctors room. Penny followed the Doctor's directions heading towards the corridor the man indicated. She continued walking straight passing rooms 210, 212,214 and finally 215A. Penny stopped at the door seeing a battered dog through the glass door. He had a needle stuck into his paw, through which an IV was flowing into his blood. The sight made Penny even more uncomfortable, as she could barely stand up from the stress. She couldn't help thinking that the accident had happened mainly because of her.

"The poor guy got hurt pretty badly, what kind of degenerate do you have to be to hit a dog and not react" said Nurse stopping behind Penny.

"Yes... degenerate..." repeated Penny quietly.

"I've seen worse specimens come out whole, don't break your head. Bolt will be fine " the woman added walking away from Penny. Bolt here at the hospital everyone knew. There was a signature in his contract that said Bolt had medical attention here. Not once had he been here for a check-up , which he didn't like. Penny took a deep breath, then went inside slowly opening the door of the room, which was soundproofed from the inside. When she was in the room and the door was closed the only sound was the machine that showed Bolt's heart rate. Penny's heart ached as she had to watch her beloved pooch lie in pain and suffering. She immediately forgave him for all the things he had done wrong or what he should not do. She just wanted Bolt to be healthy and whole. She walked over to him, then pulled up a chair for her and sat down facing his muzzle. His eyes were closed. He was most likely asleep. The girl did not want to wake him up , she sat in front of his battered body and simply watched and wondered what would have happened if he had stayed at home. There was a simple answer to that. Most likely nothing. Penny placed her hand on top of his, right where Bolt liked it. Every time Penny stroked him he pushed her hand on top , no one knew why. As she placed her hand on top of his she felt a slow rhythm , like her heart was beating slowly. She felt his warmth. She felt his breath. If she could, she would have laid her head on his body and cried out apologizing to him. Unfortunately he wouldn't hear it, and even if he was awake he probably wouldn't understand. After such a blow, probably not much information reaches him.

"Penny?" a familiar male voice sounded from behind the girl, it was Lucas, who had come here as quickly as he could. Even though Bolt had bitten him recently, seeing the injured dog touched his heart. He didn't wish it on the dog, he was just disappointed that Bolt was so aggressive towards him.

"Hi Lucas," replied Penny quietly without turning around. She was still staring at her dog who lay unconscious, the only sign that he was alive was his chest which was slowly sinking and rising. The boy took a chair that was on the other side of the room and pulled it next to the girl sitting down behind her.

"You know, that must have been a hard hit. When I noticed him lying in the road, I thought he was already dead," Lucas said to start the conversation. He noticed that Penny wasn't too keen to talk. She sat quietly and stroked the dog gently on top.

"It's partly my fault," replied the girl quietly, as if she were hiding something.

"Why should it be your fault?"

"When you had gone , I was very angry with him, I wanted some time alone, then Bolt came into the room and I yelled at him a little..."

"What did you say?"

"That he should leave, that he should go anywhere, he probably understood it too bluntly..." replied Penny. She didn't even want to mention anymore the fact that she'd almost hit him. That would have been too depressing for her already.

"Well, but you didn't want him to go out that far did you ?" Lucas said after a brief hesitation. He didn't want to inadvertently depress the girl even more.

"Well no...but no matter , you can see how it ended...just so he gets out of it" Penny replied with a sigh. As much as she didn't want it to end like this she felt guilty about what had happened. She could only hope that everything would end well. A doctor entered the room and had to ask the two young people to leave so that he could examine Bolt, and more specifically his body, especially his head. You never know if you are all right after such an incident, so they took him for a head CT scan.

The two of them sat in the waiting room talking to each other trying to make this nervous time a little more pleasant. Penny still wasn't too keen to talk, but she didn't want to make Lucas uncomfortable. It was a tough time for the girl so the boy had to understand that and give her a sympathetic feeling.

"So, the doctor said when Bolt will be discharged from the hospital?" asked the boy , as they sat in the corridor. They hardly spoke to each other, Penny was reading the leaflets hung up in the corridor, it was clear she didn't want to talk.

"Nothing yet... Can I ask you a favour?" asked Penny quietly.

"Yeah, sure. Ask."

"Can you leave here ?" asked Penny, to which Lucas reacted with surprise. He thought the girl was joking, but he ended up thinking that when she added "please".

"But why? I don't want to leave you alone "

"I know Lucas, I appreciate that...but I want to be alone for a bit, I also don't want Bolt to see you so he doesn't get upset... let's just give ourselves some time. I'll write when I'm ready," Penny replied, explaining the situation for Lucas. The boy was in a lot of confusion, he didn't know if he had done something wrong or something else, but he didn't want to argue.

"Well ok, bye " replied Lucas hesitantly as he left the hospital.

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