Chapter 12

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Avalon's POV

Nadia, Vicky and I walked into the library, I was called over to where Stefan sat at the piano. I sat down next to him and sat up straight, ignoring his questioning gaze.

"What do you want me to play ?" I looked at the keys.

"Avalon, I wish to apologies for what was said yest-" I cut him off.

"I asked, what do you want me to play," He sighed in defeat.

"Skye, chose a song for Avalon to play," he asked one of our guards, the blonde one.

"Wherever you will go, Charlene Soraia," she smiled softly at me.

"Thank you," I smiled back at her then started to play the tune.

"So lately, been wondering
Who will be there to take my place
When I'm gone, you'll need love
To light the shadows on your face
If a great wave shall fall
It would fall upon us all
And between the sand and stone
Could you make it on your own?"

Stefan seemed to be debating whether or not to do something, judging by the look on his face it was a personal choice.

"If I could, then I would
I'll go wherever you will go,"

I thought of Archer, and my dream last night, it seemed so real.

"Way up high or down low
I'll go wherever you will go,"

I smiled as I thought of the way Archer held me.

"And maybe. I'll work out
A way to make it back some day
Towards you, to guide you
Through the darkest of your days,"

Stefan seemed to have made up his mind as he called the brunette vampire over to us, after whispering in her ear she left.

"If a great wave shall fall
It would fall upon us all
Well I hope there's someone out there
Who can bring me back to you,"

Stefan smiled at me as I played, as if it was one of the best things in the world.

"If I could, then I would
I'll go wherever you will go
Way up high or down low
I'll go wherever you will go,"

Moments later the brunette returned with Lizze, she looked over at me sadly before facing Stefan who had gotten up and walked over to her.

"Run away with my heart
Run away with my hope
Run away with my love,"

He whispered something to Lizze, she paled and quickly whispered back, after what looked like a telling off Stefan told the brunette to go somewhere, leaving Lizze to watch me play the music.

"I know now, just quite how
My life and love might still go on
In your heart, in your mind
I'll stay with you for all of time,"

The Brunette walked in with Ben and the other guy that Lizze had sent to beat me, I almost stopped playing. Almost.

"If I could, then I would
I'll go wherever you will go
Way up high or down low
I'll go wherever you will go,"

Ben and the other guy were forced on their knees.

"If I could make you mine
I'll go wherever you will go,"

I looked over to Stefan, in hopes he might offer some explanation, yet all he did we smile.

"If i could turn back time
I'll go wherever you will go,"

A single tear fell down Lizze's cheek, the two guards, Skye and the brunette smiled sadly at me.

"I'll go wherever you will go,"

I sat up straight before looking Ben in the eyes while addressing Stefan.

"Excuse my rudeness but is there a reason for these people to be here ?" My voice made Lizze flinch.

"During our last conversation, I recall you telling me of what these three did to you," Stefan stood directly behind Ben and the other man. "Ben Henry and Phillip Jackson, do you wish to admit to your crimes ?"

"We were working under the orders of your Mistresses," Ben stared forward, with a small smirk on his face.

"My Mistresses are not in charge here, and you are both to pay with your lives for ignoring a direct order from me," Stefan moved so quickly I almost missed him, one second he was behinf them, the next he was infront of them with their hearts in his hands. I gasped and fell off piano stool onto the floor, Vicky and Nadia ran over to us, openly gaping at the blood. Lizze's cries where the only thing to be heard.

"I'm so sorry, she told me it would be okay s-she said y-you'd und-derstand-d," Lizze managed to get out through her sobs.

"I have told you she was not to be harmed," He raised his arm, as if to reduce Lizze to the same fate as Ben and Phillip.

"Stop!" he froze in mid air. "You can't kill her."

"Why not ?" he looked over his shoulder at me.

"You want to punish her ?" I stood up, thinking of anyway to save Lizze, despite the fact she probably deserved death. "Keep her alive, it's obvious she's feeling guilty, eventually the guilt will eat her up until she can't live with herself, that's a punishment, not a quick death." He let out a bitter laugh before turning to me, glaring with red eyes.

"You claim I'm a monster, but you are every bit as cruel as I," he turned to the two guards. "Pandora, Skye, clean this up."


"How long you two been vampires ?" I sat at the piano talking to Pandora and Skye while they cleaned up the blood, Vicky and Nadia were back to the games part of the library.

"I was turned the same time as Nadia, same village actually," Pandora squeezed the cloth before wiping up the blood. "Nadia was placed in the basement as she was the king's daughter, I on the other hand was a maid, Stefan believed I'd make a good vampire, so I didn't get much choice in the matter."

"I was a con artist and a pick pocket in New Orleans, I was really good actually, one day I conned the wrong guy, next thing I know I wake up here being Dracula," Skye pushed the mop back and forth.

"Are you sure I can't help ? I feel bad just sitting here," I played with my necklace.

"We're sure, besides it's not that bad, I'd rather do this then be a punisher, damn those guys are scary, they are ruthless with their beatings," Pandora sat up and wiped her brow. "So, what's it like being a Pure Blood ? I read they're more rare then a pure white wolf."

"More trouble then it's worth," I sighed. "Where did you read that anyway ?"

"There's a book in here, it says all about Pure Bloods and their power blah blah blah," Skye sat next to Pandora on the floor.

"Do you know where it is ?" Maybe if I read it I'd understand more.

"Sure, if I looked I could find it easy enough," I smiled at Skye.

"Excuse me," A tall guy poked his head in the room. "Stefan sent me in here to tell you it's time for you to go back to your room."

"Thank you Charles, we'll take them back immediatly," He nodded to Pandora and left. "Come on, let's go," We got up, Vicky and Nadia walked ahead of us.

"Could you bring the book tomorrow to my room ? Maybe I could read ?" Skye nodded. "Thank you."

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