Chapter 29

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"I thought Stefan got the memo," I pulled out the arrow from the dead man's chest. "I didn't want to be followed."

"Too bad," a woman flashed her fangs at me. "You're coming back with me whether you like it or not," she ran at me but I sidestepped her and stabbed her in the back with my bow and pulled it up so it pierced her heart then spun her around and kicked her towards the group where she landed on two men.

"Who's next ?" two men ran at me I dropped to the floor and kicked at their legs so they dropped to the floor, I stabbed my bow into one man while kicking my heel into the chest of the other. Next they all pounced on me, I grabbed a stake for each hand and aimed for the heart.

"Watch out Purity," I was thrown into a tree but moved before a knife landed where my head once was. I kicked one in the head before flipping over them and throwing someone into a tree. I heard a lot of the vamps shout and saw Vicky and Nadia had gotten help. I used a stake and stabbed it into his heart and smiled, when I looked up I spotted Hunter watching me.

"So nice of you to join us," I spun around to stab a vampire who tired to sneak up behind me in the stomach with my bow before spinning and kicking the vamp over to Hunter where the body skidded to a halt in front of him. "Make yourself useful, you're needed." He moved into action and killed the guy. I kicked a man away from me when I heard a scream and turned to find Raine on the floor with a vampire looming over her, I pulled out a arrow and shot a bow at the guy, hitting him in the heart, I ran over, kicked him to the side and pulled out the arrow.

"Avalon ?" I stretched my hand out to Raine and pulled her up.

"Here," I gave her a stake from my boot. "Don't die, or I'll kill you," I winked and ran back into the action. I jumped on the back of a vamp and twisted her head off, I climbed off and pulled out two knifes from my belt and sliced a guys head off, I kicked one guy over the others where we was tackled by a big brown wolf. Dayton. Whilst watching Dayton I was caught off guard and was thrown into a tree and held there by my neck. I kicked him in the chest, stabbing him my heel.

I caught a glimpse of Lizze, I ran after her but was met by trees. I spun around, separate from the fight, I watched the trees in hopes of seeing her, I listened to the sound of where the trees were rustling as she moved. A shrill laugh came from my right.

"Oh Purity, I must say, I do agree with you, Archer's bed is the most comfortable" Lizze jumped down in front of me. "It's also bouncy," she smirked.

"Yeah, I noticed, too bad you had my seconds," she glared and run at me, I tripped her and threw her into a tree.

"You might want to watch your tone," Lizze sneered. "I have the advantage here."

"Where ?" As I asked two men came from either side of me, grabbed my arms and forced me onto my knees.

"There," she grabbed my chin, forcing me to look at her. "Aww look at poor defenceless Purity."

"Watch out, I bite," I snapped my jaws at her. She laughed and stepped away.

"Now now, I would be good if I was you," she clicked her fingers and two men brought forward two people who made my heart stop.

"No," I whispered as Dad struggled against his captor. "Let them go."

"No," Lizze took a knife from her belt and walked over to them. "You left, in a very explosive way might I add, and now Stefan is angry, so is the Mistress."

"Honey, what is she talking about ?" Dad asked, keeping an eye on Lizze.

"For the last three months I've been kept imprisoned by Stefan and his men, Lizze helped," I couldn't look him in the eye, I was scared to see what he thought of me, scared to see the disappointment in getting involved for this and the blame for getting him and mom involved. "I'm so sorry, you were never meant to be involved in any of this."

"It's okay sweetie," Mom's soothing voice made me look up. "We love you, and know you did your best, it's okay."

"Too bad Mistress is going to drain every drop from your body," Lizze laughed.

"I'm sorry Avalon," Stefan walked out to stand behind my dad. "But you should stayed."

"Now Stefan don't have all the fun," a voice that chilled me to the bone was followed as she walked into the light and smiled a cruel smile at me before pushing back my Mom's hair and sniffing her neck. "Mmm, she smells ripe and ready to drain."

"Don't be mean," Stefan cooed and flashed his fangs at me.

"Fine," she turned to me as I unfroze from my shock. "Little Purity, say goodbye to mommy, you always were a Mommy's girl."

"Casey ?" No she should be dead, hell I killed her! I watched her die!

"It's me sweetheart," she walked over and knelled down and roughly grabbed my chin, forcing me to look her in the eye, with a look of pure malice. "Did you miss me Killer ?"

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