Chapter 20

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Avalon's POV

As soon as I was out of the Limo I walked away from Stefan. I couldn't face him right now. This night had started out fairly good, I had sung a few songs, met some nice people and had a dance around, then it all went downhill when that leech went for Chloe, of course he was a friend on Ben's, I shook away the memory of Chloe's screams as Damien fell dead to the floor, instead Archer's heart broken face sprang to mind, I felt so cruel but I couldn't leave Nadia and Vicky, they would kill them if the they had to in order to get to me, and I knew that if Vicky died I would shut it all off and end it, I would not have another friend's blood on my hands, I'd die first.

"Avalon, wait up," Stefan jogged to catch up with me.

"Leave me be, please," I continued my way into the house, well mansion. As I entered many vampires turned to look, probably curious to see their darling Purity, it made me sick to some extent.

"Avalon wait-" I spun around with fire in my eyes.

"I told you leave me be, what part is so hard to understand ? I'm just the pathetic Pure Blood who's stuck here until I'm ripe then you'll drain me, so skip the pleasantries."

"No, you're not, now wait up!" He caught up to me and grabbed my wrist, I spun around and shoved him away.

"No!" He watched for my next move before realizing everyone was watching us. He grabbed my wrist again and started to drag me to an empty room. "LET ME GO YOU STUPID ASSHOLE!" I fought the whole way there until I was pushed into a dark room, when the lights came on I noticed it was a bedroom. "Let me out."

"No." We stood staring at each other in determination, neither wanted to back down, it was a stale mate.

"Look, what do you want from me ?" I sighed I defeat and sat down on the edge of the bed.

"Avalon," he crouched in front of me, with his hands on my knees. "I'll admit yes I want your blood, but I'm not going to kill you," I looked up again at him.

"Why not ?" I half whispered.

"Like I said before, you intrigue me miss Greene, and I'm not ready to say goodbye to you yet."

"What's so intriguing about a broken girl who's held prisoner until her execution ?"

"The fact she can smile and hold her head high and show her scars with pride," we stayed quiet for a while, just sitting there, until he spoke again. "I'm sorry about your friend."

"No you're not, you just hate the fact that now I'm more hostile," I stood up. "You killed my friend Lincoln, you turned Vicky, you made Lizze into a monster and today, because of you, my friend Damien was murdered and I had to listen to Chloe's sobs as someone she truly cared about was taken away from her, and she couldn't even say goodbye. Again."

"You cannot blame me for his death."

"Yes I can, he was killed because you ripped out Ben's heart."

"So what ?" He stood up glowering over me. "I'm supposed to let him live after what he had been doing to you ? Those scars are from him, the beatings are from him, hell he even -" I cut him off.

"And I would rather that happen every day for the rest of my life then watch my friends die for my mistakes!"

"Mistakes ? What mistakes did you make that led to Damien's death ?"

"I told you what happened," I was breathing heavily now. "And because of that I have three more people's blood on my hands."

"And that is the only blood you have ?" He let out a cruel laugh. "No it's not, you have Lincoln's, Vicky's, don't forget all the vampires you've killed in the fire in Divinus, you have so many people's blood on your hands and you don't even know their names, you assume we are the monsters ? You are the real monster here."

"I'm not the monster, I don't kill for the power, to inflict pain or to strike fear into the hearts of others, I killed because I didn't have a choice, if I could I'd bring them back I would but I can't, hell I'd die for them if it brought them back but I can't, and I have to live with that."

"That feeling, the one of altruism, it will ultimately be your end," Stefan looked at me with sad eyes.

"That is the difference between me and you Stefan, I live with it while you revel in it," I walked over to the door, with my hand on the handle. "And that feeling of malice will be your end," and I left the room. I somehow made my way to my room, Vicky and Nadia were waiting on my bed for me.

"Hey, so how was the Ball ?" Vicky wiggled her brows, she stopped when she saw my serious face. "What happened ?"

"We are getting out of here," Archer's crushed face flashed through my mind. "Soon."

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