Chapter 26

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We had been driving for hours without stop, the car said there wasn't much gas left so I pulled into a clearing, the girls had fallen asleep shortly after our escape in the back seat. I zipped up my leather jacket and got out, it was still night time, the clock on the car had said it was one in the morning, which meant that we left the prison at around eight in the night, which I was thankful for, if it was daytime the girls would burn to death.

"Nad, Vic, time to get up," I shook their shoulders.

"Where are we ?" Nadia rubbed her eyes as she groggily sat up.

"No idea, but we need to get out and walk from here," they got up, grabbed their bags and got out the car, I put my bag and bow and arrows next to Nadia as I pulled two bottles of Vodka from Nadia's bag, I had already used three so after this I only had one left. I opened the doors and poured the drink all over the seats, front and back, I stood back and lit the lighter before throwing it in the car to catch fire. "Let's go," I put my bag and bow and arrows on my back before walking to the opposite side of the road as the car burned, we walked for the first hour when I heard Vicky's stomach rumble, I got out the empty bottles and a knife.

"Av you don't have to do this, we can go find a squirrel or something," Vicky insisted.

"I don't mind doing it, besides, I taste better then a squirrel," I opened the cap of a bottle and put the knife in the middle of my hand and tightened my fist, when the blood had filled one bottle I moved onto the next one.

"We can share one bottle Avalon, besides I'm older and can curve the cravings," Nadia said, trying to save me the pain and blood.

"No, you guys need to drink, now drink up and don't waste my blood,it's very special," they laughed at my tone and downed the bottles, once down we walked for a couple more hours until a house came into view, I ran toward it until the trees cleared and I saw where we were. "You are kidding me," a giddy smile took over my face.

"What is it ?" the girls had caught up to me as I jimmied the lock and let us in, I stepped inside and turned on the light, it hadn't changed since I was here last time. "Um, Av ?"

"What ?" I turned and saw them standing at the door. "Why are you two-" then it clicked. "Wait you can't get in," I started to laugh.

"Avalon how are we supposed to get in if the owner can't invite us in ?" Nadia looked up at the sky, it was only four A.M but the sun would be up in four hours.

"You two are invited in," I ushered them in and put our bags on the kitchen table.

"How did you do that ? You have to be invited in by the owner of the house," Vicky sat down on the sofa by the fireplace.

"It is my house, well it was my birth parents house," I got out a few plates and grabbed a few microwave meals, Raine never was good at cooking. "Raine and her mother lived her after they killed themselves, when Raine saved me she brought me here, there are a few beds upstairs, last time I was here I saw a few daylight rings so I'm going to go look."

"So this is where Raine lived before she saved you ?" Nadia looked around the room.

"Yeah," I searched through a few drawers under the stairs, I found a few of the herbs and a few vials of liquids and finally the daylight rings, bracelets and necklaces. "Found them! Now, come take your pick."

"Wow, these look really pretty," Nadia picked up a silver ring with a blue stone and intricate vine design around the edges, she tried it on, perfect fit. "This one is mine."

"I like this one," Vicky had picked out a dainty sliver one with a small oval blue stone in the middle.

"Great, so these should let you go out in the sunlight," Nadia had a small smile while Vicky was jumping for joy. I looked at the clock and found it was already half five in the morning. "It's late, I say we all get some sleep and find a way back home tomorrow."

"Agreed," Vicky grabbed a pair of yoga pants from her bag and changed, Nadia did the same, but since I had ripped up my bottoms and vest I was stuck with the same things except I also had a teal long sleeve knitted jumper that had a hood, so I took some short shorts and a long sleeve tee from Raine's drawers.

We all ran upstairs, since there was two beds I slept on the one under neath the window while the other girls slept on the other bed, they said it was repayment for the blood, despite my refusals they still didn't budge so I just left them be, although after ten minuets I knew they wouldn't fall asleep so I walked over and sat next to them. I began to stroke Vicky's hair as I started to sing them to sleep.

"I remember tears streaming down your face when I said "I'll never let you go"
When all those shadows almost killed your light
I remember you said "don't leave me here alone"
But all that's dead and gone and passed tonight,"

I smiled as Vicky and Nadia started to settle down and relax.

"Just close your eyes, the sun is going down
You'll be alright, no one can hurt you now
Come morning light, you and I'll be safe and sound."

I hummed the tune as I rocked from side to side.

"Don't you dare look out your window, darling everything's on fire
The war outside our door keeps raging on
Hold onto this lullaby even when the musics gone, gone,"

Vicky had fully fallen asleep as I stroked her hair.

"Just close your eyes, the sun is going down
You'll be alright, no one can hurt you now
Come morning light, you and I'll be safe and sound,"

I quietly sang, no words just singing like a lullaby as Nadia's eyes closed.

"Just close your eyes, you'll be alright
Come morning light, you and I'll be safe and sound,"

"Goodnight Nadia," I climbed back into my bed and pulled the covers up.

"Goodnight Avalon, sweet dreams," was the last thing I heard before I drifted off into darkness.

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