Chapter 23

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Stefan's POV 

"So why don't we start training them ? Let them fight and correct them when they go wrong," Avalon suggested.

"Sounds good." I stood next to her as the two girls fought each other. "They seem to adapt quite quickly."

"Yeah, they are quick learner's," She focused on the girls as they threw punches left and right. "Nadia defense, Vicky offence," she yelled the directions to the others like a Sargent to a solider.

"You have changed so much since coming here," I thought of the girl I first met all those months ago, the little girl who tried to hit me with a piece of ply wood, she was so feisty.
"Little girl, you have no idea what you have just started," In retrospect she didn't know, it's ironic, I never thought in a million years that this innocent little girl could change so much..
"You are no longer that weak defenceless girl we brought here," I pushed a strand of hair away from her face. "You should be thanking us..."

"No," she grabbed my wrist and flipped it around. "I haven't been that girl in a long time but you didn't do that for me, you just made me not feel it."

"Which is an advantage."

"No, it's a weakness, because if you don't feel it, you'll lose," She turned back and just watched the girls.

"And if you don't feel, you don't have a weakness..." I left her with that thought before walking away and going to my bedroom.

"You look tense," Lizze sat on my bed in a short blood red dress that barely concealed anything. "Care to work on those kinks ?"

"Not with you," I pulled off my shirt and changed it to a tank top. "You reek of desperation."

"Excuse me ?" she stood up and glared. "What the hell got into you ?" She sneered before laughing, as if she thought of the funniest thing ever. "Oh my god, you love her, that's why you are so irritated, because you know she hates you and will never love you back."

"There is a fine line between love and hate dear Liz, and don't ever talk to me like that ever again," I don't even remember why I brought her here in the first place, she's always so damn annoying.

"There may be a fine line between love and hate but she will never love you because of the mutt, she will always love the flea bag and hate you for taking her away."

"Shut up," I rolled my eyes and sat down at my desk and opened my laptop.

"I don't understand whats so intriguing about her anyhow," Lizze moved and sat on the desk next to me.

"Unlike most females here she doesn't reek of desperation and bitchiness, she is so pure and innocent, its a refreshing change, no one else can compare, and soon enough shell be mine," I opened up my account in search of some videos I had saved.

"I wouldn't let the Mistress hear that, she'll skin her alive, besides she isn't so innocent anymore. she is a killer, a pathetic one at that, nothing about her is innocent," Lizze all but spat at me.

"So you wanted to make her feel as much as a disgusting creature as you believe her to be ?" She scowled as I asked, she knew there was no reason to torture Avalon.

"Yes, she killed my best friend, she is the root of all our problems so I wanted her to feel as dirty as she is."

"Yet it back fired as she wears her scars with pride," That always made me smile, a girl who was so broken could still hold her head high and smile at the people who did it to her.

"She's a whore, a killer and a filthy rat," she put her arms on either side of my chair glaring at me.

"You are all those things and more, you have killed your own friends and tortured another in the worst way imaginable," I had her there but she refused to back down.

"She is worse then I, I do what I need to survive, yet she doesn't have to live with her consequences she isn't good enough to be living," I raised myself so we were eye level.

"Yet she is still more of a woman then you will ever be," I smirked as her face looked deadly.

"You will regret saying that," she pushed off and stalked to the door.

"No I won't. Your a pathetic blood whore now go spread your diseases elsewhere before I change my mind and kill you myself," I turned back to my laptop and opened the file named 'AVALON'

I opened a video labeled library. It was surveillance TV of the building, I watched as she threatened one of my men, I think his name was Bruce.

"What you gonna do now Purity ?"  He smirked as he held onto Vicky.

"You just got the wrong girl angry," She charged at him and started to attack, the way she was so protective over her friends was a real sight to watch, I had witnessed many times how protective she was, like a mother is protective over her children, she was always ready to fight them off. It angered me to think of what Lizze had made the two men do to her, yet she still managed to stand up and fight till the end.

After thinking this I had made my decision, she was mine, I don't care if she wants the damn mutt after her birthday i'll drain her and turn her, she can forever stay by my side. Whether she wants to or not, she is mine.

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