Chapter 14

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"Right hook," Right hook."Left hook," Left hook.

"Round house kick and undercut right," I did as told and stepped back.

"Need a break," I grabbed my bottle of water and chugged half of it.

"You did well, just need to work on building your strength and you could be one of the best fighters," Stefan sat down next to me.

"Thanks," I laid down trying to calm my breath.

"I have some news for you actually," I looked over at him with a raised brow.

"Oh really ? What news is that ?"

"There is to be a Ball, this Saturday actually, and I wish to take you as my guest," I sat up, watching him suspiciously.

"Why ? Why not take one of your Mistresses instead of me," Why would he take his prisoner ?

"Because you intrigue me," I gave him a look and he sighed. "Fine, I also may have said that you would sing at the ball."

"YOU WHAT ?!" I jumped up glaring at him. "What makes you think I'd ever agree to this ?"

"What makes you think you had a choice ?" He smirked and I had to walk away from him before I punched him.

"I am not going to sing for a bunch of old snotty leeches!"

"They're not all leeches," He stood up. "It's a supernatural get together, where all the most well known and most respected supernaturals get together and have a huge ball, to anyone in our world this is a great honer."

"Well to me, singing in front of a bunch of old ninny's doesn't appeal to me," I glared at him.

"Come on, It's a night out and I promise that it will be a fun night," I looked up at him, he seemed genuine but.... Wait, the most well known and well respected Supernaturals, that would mean Damien could be there as well as Raine, Max, maybe Archer....

"Fine, I'll go," He smiled. "On one condition."

"What is it ?"

"Vicky and Nadia join us, and Pandora and Skye be our guards," He studied my face for a few minutes.

"I'm sorry, but Nadia and Vicky must stay here, I can grant you Skye and Pandora but no to the others."

"Why not ?"

"Vicky is still a new vampire in many's eyes, she may not of hurt you but mostly because she has had yours and Nadia's help, if she was to be in a large crowd and acquire blood-lust the results would be horrific," He ran a hand through his hair. "Do you still agree to go ?"

"Fine," I agreed once I realized he would not let up.

"Great, let's pick out a few songs," he pulled me out of the training room towards the library, there was a door next to it, he pulled me inside, there was a few computers on the left hand side of the room, the rest of the room was quite homey, it was like a little hang out, a few sofa's, plush carpet floor.

"Nice room," I traced my hand over a picture of an angel, it looked as if someone had drawn it.

"Thank you," He sat down at a desk with a laptop. "Now, the ball is one of the biggest events, so we need to look for a few songs that would suit."

"How many songs do I have to sing anyway ?" He pulled up YouTube.

"Four, maybe five, don't worry, there will be many other sings there too. So what do you want to sing ? A certain artist ?"

"How about Rihanna ?" after about an hour or two we had four songs chosen.

"So, can you dance ?" I blushed and looked down shaking my head.

"Not really, well nothing like the waltz anyway."

"Let me teach you," He clicked on a song and stood up, pulling me up with him. He lead me to the middle of the room. "Okay, put your hand here," He put one hand on his shoulder, the other holding his. "Okay, when I say right foot you step your right foot back, when I say left foot you do the same got it ?"

"I think so."

"Let's go," The song started.

"Give me love like her,"

"Right foot," I stepped my right foot back.

"Cause lately I've been waking up alone
Pain splattered teardrops on my shirt
Told you I'd let them go,"

"Left foot," I stepped my left foot back.

"And that I'll fight my corner
Maybe tonight I'll call ya
After my blood turns into alcohol

No, I just wanna hold ya,"

"Spin," I let go of his shoulder as he spun me around then back to him.

"Give a little time to me to burn this out
We'll play hide and seek to turn this around
All I want is the taste that your lips allow,"

"Left foot," Left foot back.

"My-my, my-my, oh give me love
My-my, my-my, oh give me love,"

"Right foot," right foot back.

"My-my, my-my, oh give me love
My-my, my-my, oh give me love,
My-my, my-my, give me love,"

"Left foot and twirl," I did as said, laughing because I almost fell.

"Give me love like never before
Cause lately I've been craving more,"

"See, your a natural," We moved back and forth.

"And it's been a while but I still feel the same
Maybe I should let you go,"

He twirled me again but this time dipped me.

"You know I'll fight my corner
And that tonight I'll call ya
After my blood is drowning in alcohol
No, I just wanna hold ya,"

"Sorry," I laughed as I stood on his foot.

"Give a little time to me to burn this out
We'll play hide and seek to turn this around
All I want is the taste that your lips allow."

"Try again," He moved us again, this time I didn't stand on his feet.

"My-my, my-my, oh give me love
My-my, my-my, oh give me love
My-my, my-my, oh give me love
My-my, my-my, oh give me love
My-my, my-my, give me love,"

"Give a little time to me to burn this out
We'll play hide and seek to turn this around
All I want is the taste that your lips allow,"

Stefan smiled down at me as I twirled around.

"My-my, my-my, oh give me love
My-my, my-my, oh give me love
My-my, my-my, oh give me love
My-my, my-my, oh give me love
My-my, my-my, give me love,"

"See, I told you you were a natural," I stepped back a little, we were too close.

"Well I have to go, learn all the songs, goodbye," I quickly exited the room. I better not begin getting Stockholm syndrome.

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