Chapter 3

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"Avalon, can we talk a minute ?" Mom called out to me from the kitchen.

"Coming!" I got off the sofa and walked into the kitchen to see both mom and dad sitting at the table. "What happened ?"

"Why don't you sit down," Dad gave me a soft smile which made it even more confusing.

"You guys are scaring me now, what's up ?" Dad nodded to Mom as she sighed.

"Honey, I know this is hard to accept and you will probably not believe us for a while but.... You're adopted."

My heart broke. That couldn't be true, I mean they were my parents, they gave birth to me, I couldn't be adopted, could I ?...

"No, no," I got up and ran upstairs, I grabbed my wallet, phone and jacket.

"Honey, what are you doing ?" Mom tired to stop me but I brushed past her.

"I need to get out of here," I grabbed my keys and ran to my car, I started the engine and drove, I got out my phone then dialed Casey's number. She picked up on the third ring.

"Hello, Casey speaking."

"Casey ? I need you," I broke down into tears.

"Avalon ? What's wrong ? Did something happen ?" She sounded panicked.

"I'm adopted," she stayed silent for a while before answering.

"Okay, come and get me, we can drive over to Vicky's and you can tell us everything."

"Okay, see you in a minute," I hung up then drove to Casey's. When I arrived she jumped into the car and gave me a big hug.

"You okay Av ? I'm so sorry about-" I cut off Casey mid sentence.

"Please don't, I'm barely holding it together right now," she stayed silent for a few minutes before opening her mouth again.

"Ava, can you at least say something, you're scaring me."

"What am I supposed to say ?"

"How are you feeling ? What are you planning to do ? You can't stay away forever."

"I don't know! Okay? I don't know," Casey's face softened.

"What's really bothering you ?"

"You know me better then anyone Case, and you know how I feel about liars, and right know I feel like my whole life is a lie," I put my foot down and sped up the car.

"Avalon, slow down," Casey watched the speedometer.

"They lied to me about everything," I sped the car up again.

"Avalon, please slow down before you kill us."

"They lied to me for sixteen freaking years!"

"Avalon!" Casey screamed.

"What ?" Then I felt the impact of the truck and closed my eyes. When I opened my eyes I was standing in the middle of a white room dressed in white. "Where am I ?"

"You killed me," I spun around to see Casey dressed in a dress.

"I didn't mean to, I didn't look, I never meant to hurt you." Tears fell down my cheek.

"You killed me, you killed Lincoln, you had Vicky turned into a monster," Casey glared, In a flash the room became splattered with blood, Casey's once white dress was drenched in blood as Lincoln lay at her feet. "And now your going to cause the world hell."

"NO!" I closed my eyes then dropped to the floor, trying to keep the images from taking over my mind.

"Look at me, look at what you did," I lifted my head, the blood was gone but Casey was still there. "You did this, and your little boy toys aren't going to save you this time, because you're all alone, and no one cares."


I shot up in bed gasping for breath, the girls remained asleep so I got up and went to the bathroom to splash some water on my face.

"It was just a dream, just a dream," I took a few deep breaths to calm myself down before looking at myself in the mirror, but I wasn't alone.

"You killed me, now you deserve everything you get," Casey hissed before slamming my head into the bathroom counter.


I woke up gasping for air, it was a nightmare, just a bad dream. When I sat up my head began to pound and when I touched my forehead I hissed in pain. Was it a dream ? I saw the girls were still asleep, I carefully got up, not to wake them, and walked to the kitchen, I needed to keep active, to stay awake, I got to making breakfast for everyone.

"How long you been up ?" Nadia came over and leaned over the counter.

"A while, had a bad dream and couldn't get back to sleep," I flipped the pancake.

"It does get better you know, living here, you just have to tune them out."

"I know, but it's not me I'm worried about," I glanced at Vicky. "I'm worried that she won't ever get out of here and it'll be all my fault.

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