Chapter 25

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"Got everything ?" I had distributed the stakes and knifes between the three of our bags, I had changed into black skinny jeans, black vest, leather jacket and black knee high heels, the girls had similar stuff on except they had flats on.

"Avalon, Stefan sent us to make sure you were..." Pandora and Skye paused as they noticed the state of the room. "...okay... What are you guys doing ?" I closed the door behind them.

"Leaving," I opened the bag and pulled out a few stakes and put them into the side of my right boot. "You going to help us or not ?"

"I'll go grab a few holsters to hold the stakes and knifes," Skye walked out the room.

"I have a bow and arrow you might find handy, and some vervain, add it to some water and should be enough to disable them for a while."

"Thanks Panda," she left as I got out our weapons.

"Where are we going to go ? We don't even know where we are!" Vicky threw her bag on the bed.

"I'll figure it out, now grab a few bottles of water and a few empty bottles," she got them and put them on her bed.

"Why the empty bottles ?" Nadia put a few water bottles in her bag, our bags had two days worth of clothes, stakes, two knifes and three bottles of water.

"You guys will need blood and since we can't take a freezer box I'll have to give you some, and it will be less awkward then you drinking from me," I zipped up my bag.

"You sure ? You shouldn't really be giving out loads of blood, god knows how long we will be out there," Vicky gave me a worried look.

"It's fine, I heal quickly," Skye and Pandora returned with the stuff, Skye gave us the holsters, I put one of my left upper thigh and one on each of my legs at the top of my boots and put the belt holder on and added all the stakes and knifes in the right places, I grabbed the bow from Pandora and got a pleasant surprise. The bow looked like a curved version of a double ended sword, there was a handle in the middle where you held it to position and fire the arrow, it was an ideal weapon. I held it up and tried it out, it had a good handle on it.

"You like it ?" Pandora was smirking while holding the arrows in their holder.

"Yeah, how did you get this ?" I asked as I admired the weapon, the edges were so sharp, I could really do some damage with this.

"I told you, I was a maid, and things go missing all the time," she winked at me.

"Well thank you anyway," I put it over my shoulder and grabbed my duffle bag. "Let's get going, everyone should be in bed or out at the moment anyway," the girls picked up their  bags as I turned to Skye and Pandora. "Is there a garage around here ? We need a get away car."

"We'll take you, after that we can run back here, knock ourselves unconscious and pretend to know nothing of this," I nodded to Skye's plan.

"Then lead the way," She opened our door and took us up the stairs, we all crouched down as someone came out of their door, but they walked down the opposite way so we were safe, we got up and ran down the corridor until we reached another set of stairs, when we reached the top and idea popped into my mind. "Wait," everyone halted.

"What ? We can't stop for long ?" Skye pointed out from the front, she was in front of our line with me behind, Vicky and Nadia behind me and Pandora at the back to make sure no one saw us.

"Do you know where I can find Vodka ? Or any alcohol for that matter ?"

"We are escaping and you want to get drunk ?!" Skye whisper yelled at me.

"No, I want to make it harder for them to follow us," I left the details vague but she complied, she led us to a small room that looked like a liquor store, I grabbed six bottles of Vodka and put three in my bag and two in Nadia's bag and one in Vicky's. When we walked out we carried on down the hallway until we heard two voices coming towards us from a corner, I opened a doorway to my left and found the room empty. "In here."

We all piled in and closed the door just in time as the voices had become louder, I looked around the room, it looked like a man's room with dirty magazines on a coffee table, dark bedspread and a mini bar, I spotted a cabinet next to the bar so I opened it to find a selection of cigars and lighters, I shoved four of the lighters in my pocket.

"Avalon, hurry we have to go," I followed the others out the door and carried on our way. We turned a few more corners and up another flight of stairs before we reached the garage, there were several black cars there so I picked the jeep, I found the keys on a hook on the wall and opened the doors, the girls put their stuff in the car and hopped in.

"Thank you for everything," I gave Skye and Pandora a hug each. "Are you sure you won't come with us ?"

"Someone needs to be here as the eyes and ears," I smiled at Pandora's lame attempt at a joke.

"Okay, then go, quickly, don't want to get caught in the fire," the gave me a confused look before realizing what I wanted the Vodka for and quickly ran back to our room. "Nadia and Vicky, I need you to light a few of these up," I ripped off a piece of my vest and put it in one of the cars petrol tank hole and poured Vodka on it, I did this for three more cars before I didn't have any vest left, just a bra, I grabbed another shirt out my bag and ripped it up into three pieces, I shoved the pieces of cloth into the top of the different Vodka bottles and lit them all on fire, Nadia and Vicky lit up three of the cars while I lit the one closest to me.

"Avalon you are going to have to drive," Vicky shouted as she jumped in the back.

"What ? Why me ?" I threw one bottle by the entrance to the garage.

"Because I don't have a licence and Nadia was locked up at the time the car was invented!"

"FINE," I hadn't drove since the incident but I didn't have a choice. "Start up the car," I threw my stuff in the back with Vicky before throwing the other two bottles near a few cars. We heard people shouting and some getting closer, I opened the garage door and jumped in the car before reversing, as we made it out the garage and a little down the drive way the cars exploded.

"Damn," We all stared in shocked for a second before I spun the car around and sped away from the burning prison, I drove deep into the woods and kept going after the fire was no longer visible. We did it, we escaped.

Now we had to go back home.

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